Alcorn, G. (2007). The youth health specialty in New Zealand: Collaborative practice and future development. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website, 34(3), 162–167.
Abstract: This paper details the workforce capacity of youth health nursing and medical staffing required for community-based and school-based youth health services. The author shows how youth health services seek to complement the care delivered by Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) and other allied health care services in the community. She outlines the development and operation at VIBE, a community-based youth health service in the Hutt Valley with school-based youth health services delivered at four low deciles secondary schools. She explains that developing workforce capacity for youth health services is a primary health care priority and an important means to address inequalities and to improve the health services of young people.
Crowe, M., Ward, N., Dunnachie, B., & Roberts, M. H. (2006). Characteristics of adolescent depression. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 15(1), 10–18.
Abstract: This is a descriptive study of the characteristics of depression in a sample of 121 adolescents attending an outpatient specialist adolescent mental health service in New Zealand. The adolescents were required to complete two self-report measures to assess presence of depressive symptoms, severity of depression, and particular characteristics of the depression. The findings revealed that irritability was the most common characteristic along with other interpersonal and thought processing symptoms. It is important that mental health nurses are able to identify the specific characteristics of adolescent depression that may differ from adult depression in order to manage this patient population effectively.
Gibson, C. (2005). Hearing the adolescents' voice: A study evaluating the use of conjoint analysis for use with adolescents to determine preferences for inpatient hospital facilities. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This research used the economic technique of conjoint analysis and an informal discussion to canvas opinions regarding ideal combination of inpatient facilities and the use of cell phones in hospital. The content of the conjoint analysis was, with the exception of the inclusion of the question regarding the use of cell phones, derived from the literature. Because conjoint analysis does not appear to have been used with adolescents one of the questions to be answered was whether this was a method of research that could be used with adolescents. The research was undertaken with 29 young people, most of who were from CanTeen (the adolescent cancer support group) in Wellington. The conjoint analysis, and discussion with the adolescents supported the general findings from the literature that adolescents do not want to be nursed in either overtly paediatric or, in their words, 'dull adult wards', as they enjoy bright lively surrounds. Ideally they would like to be nursed with their peer group and so have the opportunity to interact with young people of their age. The research demonstrated that adolescents are able to understand the concept of conjoint analysis and also supported findings from overseas that these healthcare consumers value having their opinions canvassed and are well able to give constructive and well thought out opinions. A report on the findings of this research will be presented to Capital and Coast District Health Board with the expectation that it will be considered when the final decisions are made regarding the upgrading of Wellington Hospital's present facilities as it is anticipated that these facilities will contain dedicated adolescent beds within the paediatric unit.
Gillard, D. (2002). When I am nursing. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Over the last century the nursing profession has drawn from numerous theories and disciplines to construct its own theoretical foundations. While this diversity and flexibility may be one of the nursing profession's strengths it may have contributed to nurses' difficulty in explaining the complexities of their every day clinical work. This is a particular challenge for the domain of mental health nursing. This dissertation discusses how nursing models that have credibility at a clinical level can contribute to informing and advancing nursing practice. Models can achieve this by assisting nurses to conceptualise and articulate what it is they do that makes a difference to patient outcomes. Through this process nurses can maintain a distinct professional identity and establish themselves as effective members of multidisciplinary health team. Specifically, the application and limitations of Godkin's (2001) proposed model of a 'healing presence' to the author's own practice in a one-to-one nurse-adolescent client relationship in the mental health nursing is examined. It is claimed that a 'healing presence' provides a meaningful way to understanding the author's own practice. The proposed model of a 'healing presence' embraces the diversity of her background, and allows the author to maintain a nursing identity by providing a nursing framework to critique her practice, furthering her understanding of what it is that 'expert' nurses do and how this impacts on patient outcomes. Also suggested is that a 'healing presence' can contribute to the author's own and other nurses advanced nursing practice by making nursing visible to the multidisciplinary health team and to articulate “what it is that I do 'when I am nursing'”. Through presenting this dissertation, the author wishes to inspire other nurses to examine and understand their own practice.
Heap, J. (2004). Enuresis in children and young people: A public health nurse approach in New Zealand. Journal of Child Health Care, 8(2), 92–101.
Abstract: This article discusses a child/adolescent-centred primary nocturnal enuresis program and service that is administered by a group of public health nurses in South Auckland. Enuresis is the involuntary passing of urine. Many children and adolescents who are nocturnal enuretics exhibit behaviours such as low self-esteem, withdrawal, less ambition and increased anxiety. These children are often low achievers within the school system and become a problem for their family and school.
Hollins, J. (2014). Registered nurses' perceptions and experiences of nursing adolescents in an adult mental health unit. Master's thesis, University of Otago, .
Abstract: Conducts a qualitative study to explore Registered Nurses' (RN) attitudes towards caring for adolescents in adult mental health (MH) in-patient services. Uncovers the reasons adolescents access such services and considers the training and knowledge RNs have in relation to the assessment and management of adolescents with MH problems. Identifies areas that may be improved or developed.
Lynch, T. M. (2005). A qualitative descriptive study of youth with Crohn's disease. Ph.D. thesis, , .
McLean, J. M. (2007). Pushing the boundaries: Relationships with adolescents. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Therapeutic relationships are central to mental health nursing. The nurse's role in maintaining professional yet therapeutic boundaries within this relationship can be challenging. When therapeutic boundaries are breeched within the nurse adolescent relationship the adolescent's safety within this relationship is compromised. There is currently limited literature on how nurses are managing professional boundaries in relationships with adolescents in this setting. The adolescent's nature is to push boundaries; therefore the nurse needs to be acutely aware of this boundary pushing in everyday practice settings. For the safety of the adolescent and the nurse it is vital the nurse understands her role in managing the professional boundary. This thesis explores, through the use of narrative inquiry, four adolescent mental health nurses' experiences of assessing, understanding and maintaining therapeutic boundaries with adolescents in a mental health setting in New Zealand. The unique and specific implications for adolescent mental health nursing are discussed. Three key themes emerged from the analysis and findings: the importance of the nurse clarifying his/her role; the learning that occurs throughout the practice journey; and the role of the nurse in keeping the adolescent and the nurse safe. These findings highlight the importance of clinical supervision and open communication with senior nurses and mentors, which assist the nurse in monitoring practice. When nurses do not have sufficient knowledge of the fundamental principles of adolescent mental health nursing; such as knowledge and skills in both adolescent development and psychodynamic nursing, they are at risk of boundary crossings. Recommendations from this research include more emphasis on psychodynamic nursing principles in nursing education and nursing practice. There is a need for specialised education for nurses in child and adolescent mental health nursing. Nursing entry to practice programmes for new graduate nurses working in mental health, could assist in providing this. There is a call for further research into therapeutic relationships and professional boundaries in this complex nursing specialty.
Murray, D. J. (2004). The roles of nurses working with adolescents in Auckland secondary schools. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Nicol, M. J., Manoharan, H., Marfell-Jones, M., Meha-Hoerara, K., Milne, R., O'Connell, M., et al. (2002). Issues in adolescent health: A challenge for nursing. Contemporary Nurse, 12(2), 155–163.
Abstract: This review provides an overview of the health issues for adolescents, and the implications for nursing practice, particularly around health promotion. It looks at the social context of adolescents including peer pressure, along with health issues such as suicide, mental health, sexual health, and smoking.
Patrick, S. (2007). A nursing role in rural adolescent sexual health. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This dissertation explores the nurse's role in addressing the sexual health needs of a rural adolescent community in New Zealand. The increasing incidence of adolescent sexual activity is widely recognised and it is acknowledged that youth face unique barriers to health care. These barriers are particularly apparent in access to contraception with a resulting increase in the rates of sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies and termination of pregnancies. These deteriorating adolescent sexual health statistics are of particular concern within New Zealand's health sector. A review of national and international literature examined the potential nursing role in adolescent sexual health. Results provide strong evidence that experienced nurses can competently and confidently assist in meeting the needs of this population group, especially in rural areas. Literature consistently concluded that nurses could provide care that is as effective as that provided by a doctor. School-based health clinics are identified as a viable way to improve access to adolescent sexual health services. In conclusion, the author suggests that nurses are in a key position to provide an alternative model of health care delivery that can improve adolescent sexual health.
Valette, D. (2002). Nursing an adolescent in an adult inpatient mental health unit. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This research paper reports on an exploration of the key elements nurses need to be aware of to effectively nurse adolescents in an adult inpatient unit. It describes the developmental needs and significant influences that affect this age-group, that when incorporated into nursing care, nurses can gain a therapeutic relationship with the adolescent. By means of a literature review, sharing the author's experience in nursing adolescents, and through vignettes of practice, an illustration of some common situations that may occur during the adolescent's inpatient stay are described. These situations are explored and a perspective is offered on how nurses may be effective in their nursing of an adolescent patient from the point of admission through to discharge. More research is needed on adolescent mental health nursing, however the author anticipates that nurses will be able to use this report as a helpful resource in their current practice.