Connor, M. (2004). Courage and complexity in chronic illness: Reflective practice in nursing. Wellington: Daphne Brasell & Whitireia Publishing.
Abstract: This book presents the reflective account of an actual nursing practice situation (a woman living with chronic asthma).The author provides a descriptive narrative and then delves deeper into the narrative to obtain greater understanding of what she calls “strife” in chronic illness and the best nursing practice to assist its resolution.
Dickinson, A. R., & Dignam, D. (2002). Managing it: A mother's perspective of managing a pre-school child's acute asthma episode. Journal of Child Health Care, 6(1), 7–18.
Abstract: This exploratory descriptive study informed by grounded theory examines the experience of mothers in managing their pre-school child's acute asthma attack at home. The study reveals that mothers perceive that they are responsible for the management of their pre-school child during an acute asthma episode, a process they described as 'managing it'. This process involves mother in 'working on treatment', 'making the call', 'watching' and 'calming', while the husband/partner, family, friends and health professionals are 'supporting treatment'. This study suggests that nurses and doctors need to move away from the current paternalistic view of health care delivery in acute settings and embrace the concepts of support and partnership in the care of the pre-school child with asthma and their family.
Jones, B. D. (2017). Achieving equitable asthma services for Maori. Master's thesis, University of Otago, .
Abstract: Undertakes a qualitative, phenomenological study to explore the experiences of practitioners delivering asthma services to tamariki Maori and their whanau in primary healthcare. Employs a kaupapa Maori methodology in order to provide a Maori perspective to the research. Uses an equity framework in the analysis and interpretation of the results, to ensure alignment with Maori values and aspirations. Interviews 15 doctors and nurses from Maori, mainstream and Very-Low-Cost-Access providers of asthma services. Presents the results using the Pou Ora framework with four main themes: Hauora, Toi Ora, Whanau Ora, and Mauri Ora.