Barton, J. (2001). Pain knowledge and attitudes of nurses and midwives in a New Zealand context. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Bickley, J. (2002). A study of medical, nursing, and institutional not-for-resuscitation (NFR) discourses. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This study investigates the way that medical, nursing and institutional discourses construct knowledge in the specific context of Not-for-resuscitation (NFR)in a New Zealand general hospital where NFR guidelines are available in the wards and from the regional ethics committee. The thesis argues that there are ranges of techniques that staff use to construct NFR knowledge, enacted through various forms of speech and silence, which result in orderly and disorderly experiences for patients nearing death. The study was conducted through a critical analysis of the talk of health professionals and the Chairperson of the Regional Ethics Committee.
Bishop, D., & Ford-Bruins, I. (2003). Nurses' perceptions of mental health assessment in an acute inpatient setting in New Zealand: A qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12(3), 203–212.
Abstract: This qualitative study explores the perceptions of mental health nurses regarding assessment in an acute adult inpatient setting in Central Auckland. Fourteen mental health nurses took part in semi-structured interviews answering five open-ended questions. The analysis of data involved a general inductive approach, with key themes drawn out and grouped into four categories (roles, attitudes, skills and knowledge) in order to explore the meaning of information gathered. The outcome of the study acknowledged the importance of contextual factors such as the physical environment and bureaucratic systems, as well as values and beliefs present within the unit. The participants expressed concern that their input to assessment processes was limited, despite belief that 24-hour care and the nature of mental health nursing generally suggested that a crucial role should exist for nurses. In order for nurses to be established as central in the assessment process on the unit the study concludes that a nursing theoretical framework appropriate for this acute inpatient setting needs to be developed.
Carryer, J. B. (2001). Embodied largeness: A significant women's health issue. Nursing Inquiry, 8(2), 90–97.
Abstract: This paper describes a three-year long research project in which nine large-bodied women have engaged in a prolonged dialogue with the researcher about the experience of being 'obese'. The study involved an extensive review of the multidisciplinary literature that informs our understandings of body size. The literature review was shared with participants in order to support their critical understanding of their experience. The experience of participants raised questions as to how nursing could best provide health-care for large women. An examination of a wide range of literature pertinent to the area of study reveals widespread acceptance of the notion that to be thin is to be healthy and virtuous, and to be fat is to be unhealthy and morally deficient. According to the literature review, nurses have perpetuated an unhelpful and reductionist approach to their care of large women, in direct contradiction to nursing's supposed allegiance to a holistic approach to health-care. This paper suggests strategies for an improved response to women who are concerned about their large body size.
Carter, H., McKinlay, E. M., Scott, I., Wise, D., & MacLeod, R. (2002). Impact of a hospital palliative care service: Perspective of the hospital staff. JBI Reports, 18(3), 160–167.
Abstract: The first New Zealand hospital palliative care support service was established in 1985. Different service models have now been adopted by various major hospitals. In 1998, a palliative care service, funded by Mary Potter Hospice, was piloted at Wellington Public Hospital. Twelve months post-implementation, the hospital staff's views of the service were evaluated. It was found that referrals to palliative care from hospital specialities outside the Cancer Centre increased. While most doctors, nurses and social workers strongly agreed or agreed that the service positively influenced patients' care and effectively addressed their symptom management needs, spiritual needs were less often met. Over 90 percent of each discipline strongly agreed or agreed that the service had assisted them in caring for patients, but, only about a half agreed that useful discharge planning advice and staff support was provided. Significant differences in responses were found between different disciplines and specialities. One fifth of the staff identified palliative care education needs. Recommendations are made concerning the development of a future hospital palliative care service.
Cowan, L. M., Deering, D., Crowe, M., Sellman, D., Futterman-Collier, A., & Adamson, S. (2003). Alcohol and drug treatment for women: Clinicians' beliefs and practice. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12(1), 48–55.
Abstract: The present paper reports on the results of a telephone survey of 217 alcohol and drug treatment clinicians on their beliefs and practice, in relation to service provision for women. Nurses comprised the second largest professional group surveyed. Seventy-eight percent of clinicians believed that women's treatment needs differed from men's and 74% reported a range of approaches and interventions, such as assisting with parenting issues and referral to women-only programmes. Several differences emerged in relation to approaches and interventions used, depending on clinician gender, work setting and proportion of women on clinicians' caseload. Implications for mental health nursing include the need to more systematically incorporate gender-based treatment needs into practice and undergraduate and postgraduate education and training programmes.
Dent, G. W. (2008). Mental health nurses' knowledge and views on talking therapies in clinical practice. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Using a qualitative descriptive research design, this study explored nurses' knowledge and views on their talking therapy training and skills in practice. The study examined the use of talking therapies, or specialised interpersonal processes, embodied within the Te Ao Maramatanga: New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses Inc (2004) Standards of Practice for Mental Health Nurses in New Zealand. A survey questionnaire was sent to 227 registered nurses from a district health hoard mental health service and a sample of eight nurses participated in a semi-structured interview. Content analysis based on the headings “knowledge views, skill acquisition and skill transfer” established the major themes from the data collection processes. The findings confirmed that nurses believe their knowledge and skills in evidence-based talking therapies to be vitally important in mental health nursing practice. Nurses identified that talking therapy training courses needed to be clinically relevant and that some learning strategies were advantageous. The identification of some knowledge gaps for, nurses with limited post graduate experience, and for nurses who currently work in inpatient areas suggests that further consideration must be given to ensure that a cohesive, sustainable approach is ensured for progression of workforce development projects relevant to training in talking therapies for mental health nurses in New Zealand.
Gallagher, P. (2007). Preconceptions and learning to be a nurse. Nurse Education Today, 27(8), 878–884.
Abstract: This article discusses the important role that preconceptions play in the process by which students learn to be nurses. The importance of preconceptions emerged from the analysis of data in a grounded theory study that sought to gain a greater understanding of how undergraduate student nurses in New Zealand experienced and responded to differences they perceived between the theory and the practice of nursing. It became clear that the preconceptions each student nurse held about the nature of nurses and nursing care were the standards against which the worth of the formal, practical and personal theories to which students were exposed during their nursing degree was evaluated. It was clear that preconceptions functioned as the mediator between the intentions of nursing education and the learning that eventuated for each student from practicum experiences. The implications for nursing education, for which preconceptions are not generally highly valued as a basis for learning about professional nursing, are that the individual experience and personal characteristics of each student receive significant focus when a nursing programme is planned. This means that the orthodox principles that underpin the design of nursing curricula should be reviewed and an overtly constructivist perspective adopted for nursing education for which the prior experiences of the student are the starting point.
Giddings, D. L. S. (2005). A theoretical model of social consciousness. Advances in Nursing Science, 28(3), 224–239.
Abstract: The article presents a theoretical model of social consciousness developed from nurses' life histories. A 3-position dialectical framework (acquired, awakened, and expanded social consciousness) makes visible the way people respond to social injustice in their lives and in the lives of others. The positions coexist, are not hierarchical, and are contextually situated. A person's location influences her or his availability for social action. Nurses who could most contribute to challenging social injustices that underpin health disparities are relegated to the margins of mainstream nursing by internal processes of discrimination. The author suggests that more inclusive definitions of “a nurse” would open up possibilities for social change.
Giddings, D. L. S. (2005). Health disparities, social injustice, and the culture of nursing. Nursing Research, 54(5), 304–312.
Abstract: The aim of this cross-cultural study was to collect stories of difference and fairness within nursing. The study used a life history methodology informed by feminist theory and critical social theory. Life story interviews were conducted with 26 women nurses of varying racial, cultural, sexual identity, and specialty backgrounds in the United States (n = 13) and Aotearoa New Zealand (n = 13). Participants reported having some understanding of social justice issues. They were asked to reflect on their experience of difference and fairness in their lives and specifically within nursing. Their stories were analysed using a life history immersion method. Nursing remains attached to the ideological construction of the “White good nurse.” Taken-for-granted ideals privilege those who fit in and marginalise those who do not. The nurses who experienced discrimination and unfairness, survived by living in two worlds, learned to live in contradiction, and worked surreptitiously for social justice. For nurses to contribute to changing the systems and structures that maintain health disparities, the privilege of not seeing difference and the processes of mainstream violence that support the construction of the “White good nurse” must be challenged. Nurses need skills to deconstruct the marginalising social processes that sustain inequalities in nursing and healthcare. These hidden realities-racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of discrimination-will then be made visible and open to challenge.
Gilmer, M. J., Meyer, A., Davidson, J., & Koziol-McLain, J. (2010). Staff beliefs about sexuality in aged residential care. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 26(3), 17–24.
Abstract: Surveys 52 staff members from the rest-home component of aged-care facilities in one District Health Board, about how staff in such facilities approach and manage the sexuality needs of residents.
Herbert, B. (2001). How often do health professionals wash their hands? Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(13), 29–32.
Abstract: This literature review presents evidence on health professionals' practice in hand washing. The research was primarily quantitative and consistently showed that health professionals did not have a lack of knowledge, but that hand washing was not always done. More qualitative research is required to investigate reasons for this and possible interventions.
Horsburgh, M., Perkins, R., Coyle, B., & Degeling, P. (2006). The professional subcultures of students entering medicine, nursing and pharmacy programmes. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(4), 425–431.
Abstract: This study sought to determine the attitudes, beliefs and values towards clinical work organisation of students entering undergraduate medicine, nursing and pharmacy programmes in order to frame questions for a wider study. University of Auckland students entering medicine, nursing and pharmacy programmes completed a questionnaire based on that used by Degeling et al. in studies of the professional subcultures working in the health system in Australia, New Zealand, England and elsewhere. Findings indicate that before students commence their education and training medical, nursing and pharmacy students as groups or sub-cultures differ in how they believe clinical work should be organised. Medical students believe that clinical work should be the responsibility of individuals in contrast to nursing students who have a collective view and believe that work should be systemised. Pharmacy students are at a mid-point in this continuum. There are many challenges for undergraduate programmes preparing graduates for modern healthcare practice where the emphasis is on systemised work and team based approaches. These include issues of professional socialisation which begins before students enter programmes, selection of students, attitudinal shifts and interprofessional education.
Kinealy, T., Arroll, B., Kenealy, H., Docherty, B., Scott, D., Scragg, R., et al. (2004). Diabetes care: Practice nurse roles, attitudes and concerns. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(11), 68–75.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to report a study to compare the diabetes-related work roles, training and attitudes of practice nurses in New Zealand surveyed in 1990 and 1999, to consider whether barriers to practice nurse diabetes care changed through that decade, and whether ongoing barriers will be addressed by current changes in primary care. Questionnaires were mailed to all 146 practice nurses in South Auckland in 1990 and to all 180 in 1999, asking about personal and practice descriptions, practice organisation, time spent with patients with diabetes, screening practices, components of care undertaken by practice nurses, difficulties and barriers to good practice, training in diabetes and need for further education. The 1999 questionnaire also asked about nurse prescribing and influence on patient quality of life. More nurses surveyed in 1999 had post-registration diabetes training than those in 1990, although most of those surveyed in both years wanted further training. In 1999, nurses looked after more patients with diabetes, without spending more time on diabetes care than nurses in 1990. Nevertheless, they reported increased involvement in the more complex areas of diabetes care. Respondents in 1999 were no more likely than those in 1990 to adjust treatment, and gave a full range of opinion for and against proposals to allow nurse prescribing. The relatively low response rate to the 1990 survey may lead to an underestimate of changes between 1990 and 1999. Developments in New Zealand primary care are likely to increase the role of primary health care nurses in diabetes. Research and evaluation is required to ascertain whether this increasing role translates into improved outcomes for patients.
Leeks, O. (2007). Lesbian health: Identifying the barriers to health care. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Homosexuality has been practiced since ancient times, but through the centuries this expression of sexual identity has moved from being acceptable to unacceptable and finally regarded in a contemporary era as a mental health problem that needed to be, and it was thought could be, cured. This paper focuses on the barriers that lesbian women perceive when wanting to access health care. Most of the research about lesbian women has been conducted in the United States with some in the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. Through reviewing the available literature and grouping common themes, the author identifies three main barriers to health care that exist for lesbian women. Firstly, ignorance or insensitivity of the health care professional about the specific health care needs of this client group; secondly, homophobia or heterosexism that may be present in the health care environment; and thirdly the risk of disclosing one's sexual orientation. These barriers are discussed using the concepts of cultural safety and nursing partnership. The author concludes that the negative health care experiences that lesbian women encounter leave them feeling vulnerable and fearful. This fear and stigmatisation has resulted in lesbian women becoming an 'invisible' community. It is the assumption of heterosexuality that immediately places the lesbian woman at a disadvantage and this potentially may produce missed opportunities to provide individualised care to the lesbian client. The purpose of this work is to encourage discussion within nursing to challenge attitudes and the approach to women who identify as lesbian. The author hopes that this paper will contribute to the increasing body of knowledge in regard to this client group.