Davies, D. C. (2006). Practice nurses' perceptions of their contribution to the care of individuals with chronic health conditions. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Table of Contents: 1. Background and overview; 2. Research design and method; 3. Literature review; 4. Preparation of the individual for an appointment at the general practice; 5. Care provided by the practice nurse at the general practice; 6. The giving of information; 7. A discussion of the dualities of the contribution of practice nurses to the care of individuals with chronic conditions; 8. Study summary and conclusions.
Giddings, D. L. S., Roy, D. E., & Predeger, E. (2007). Women's experience of ageing with a chronic condition. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58(6), 557–565.
Abstract: This paper is a report of a study to explore the experiences of 'almost old' women as they grow older while living with a chronic condition. Little is known about the contextual effects of ageing and how it shapes and is shaped by a woman's chronic illness experience. Seven women aged between 50 and 58 years participated in this interpretive descriptive study that explored the issues of ageing with a chronic condition. Three focus groups were held between March 2003 and March 2004. Transcriptions were analysed after each focus group. Participants were given the opportunity to respond to the findings as the analysis progressed. The experience of living with a chronic illness foreshadowed what was to come with ageing and embodied the ageing process: it was just part of their lives. Alongside this, the women now felt less out of place. Their peers were catching up and beginning to experience aspects of participants' everyday reality. The women, however, experienced double jeopardy because ageing amplified the ongoing vulnerabilities of living with a chronic condition. The authors conclude that nurses who recognise the resourcefulness and expertise of women who live with a chronic condition can effectively be co-strategists in helping them to age well.
Henty, C., & Dickinson, A. R. (2007). Practice nurses' experiences of the Care Plus programme: A qualitative descriptive study. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website, 34(5), 335–338.
Abstract: The aim of this small qualitative descriptive pilot study was to describe the experiences of practice nurses delivering the Care Plus programme within the general practice setting. Care Plus was introduced into Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) in 2004. This programme encourages more involvement from practice nurses in chronic care management. For many New Zealand practice nurses this is a new role. This study, carried out prior to the larger Care Plus implementation review (2006), provides an insight into the nursing experience of implementing Care Plus and provides a basis for future studies with regard to the nurse's role within the Care Plus programme.
Johnstone, C. (2001). Linking diet and respiratory distress. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 7(5), 22–23.
Abstract: The author, a district nurse, describes the experiences of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring long-term oxygen therapy and characterised as a carbon dioxide retainer whose overall health was improved by a carbohydrate restricted diet. The literature on carbohydrate intake and respiratory disease is briefly reviewed.
McKinlay, E. M. (2007). Thinking beyond Care Plus: The work of primary health care nurses in chronic conditions programmes. New Zealand Family Physician, 34(5), 322–327.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the work of primary health care nurses on chronic conditions, through both formal chronic care management (CCM) programmes and informal work. The author overviews the key components of CCM and describes Care Plus, a funding stream accessed via PHOs. The author gives examples of nurse led clinics and programmes in the general practice environment, and outlines the structures and processes necessary. A table summarises nurse involvement in several PHOs throughout the country. The author finds that the role of PHC nurses within a framework of inter-disciplinary chronic condition care is diverse and increasing.
Sheridan, N. F. (2005). Mapping a new future: Primary health care nursing in New Zealand. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the practice of nurses employed in integrated care projects in New Zealand from late 1999 to early 2001. Integrated care was a major health reform strategy that emphasised primary health care as a means to improve service provision between the health sectors. An investigation of nurses' practice sought to determine the extent to which primary health care principles had been adopted in practice, as a comprehensive primary health care approach has been advocated globally in the management of chronic conditions; the leading cause of disability throughout the world and the most expensive problems faced by health care systems. The philosophical basis of the research was postpositivism. The study employed a quantitative non-experimental survey design because it allowed numeric descriptions of the characteristics of integrated care projects to be gained for the purpose of identifying nurses' practice. The unit of inquiry was the integrated care project, and 80 comprised the study population. Data were obtained on projects from expert informants (n=27) by telephone survey using a structured interview questionnaire developed by the researcher. Data obtained from interviews were statistically analysed in two stages. First, data were produced to comprehensively describe the characteristics of integrated care projects and nurses practice. The 'Public health interventions model' was used as a framework to analyses the interventions (activities) and levels of population-based practice of nurses. Following this, the social values embedded in nurses' practice were determined using 'Beattie's model of health promotion' as a framework for analysis. A strong association was found between nurses' practice in projects and strategies used in integrated care, such as information sharing, guideline development and promotion, and case management, and projects with an ethnic focus, low income focus, chronic condition focus, and well-health focus. Whilst nurses undertook interventions most frequently at the individual practice level they were also strongly associated with the small proportion of interventions that were undertaken at the community level. The majority of interventions by nurses reflected the health promotion value of health persuasion, indicating a paternalist and individual-oriented philosophy. Nurses were engaged in two interventions that indicated a collective-oriented philosophy – coalition building and community development, the latter reflecting health promotion values of negotiation, partnership and empowerment. The study demonstrated that nurses' practice in projects was predominantly centred on individual-focused population-based practice suggesting the need for a framework to assist nurses to transition their practice to include more activity at the community and systems levels. Without a reorientation of practice, nurses will remain limited in their ability to achieve health gains for populations. In response to this conclusion, and drawing on research results and reviewed literature, a new model, The 'Primary Health Care interventions model' was constructed. Recommendations include advocacy for the acceptance of the model by the health funder, professional nursing bodies, health organisations, educational institutions, nurses, communities, and individuals.