Casey, G. (2000). Conditional expertise in chronic illness. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Connor, M. (2002). Sharing the burden of strife in chronic illness: A praxiological study of nursing practice in a community context. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This inquiry is an in-depth exploration of one middle aged woman's experience of strife in chronic illness and her nursing care involving four nurses (including the author) in a community context over a three-year period. The study is praxiological in that the understanding achieved is derived from practice within a 'research as praxis' methodology positioned in the disciplinary perspective of nursing as a practical human science. Five methodological premises inform the research processes: reflexivity, dialogue, moral comportment, re-presentation in narrative and critique. They emanate from an eclectic ontological praxiology based on the research framework constructed from Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics, components of other philosophical praxiologies evolved from an exploration of the practical discourse in philosophy and my preferred health and nursing assumptions. The research processes include researcher journalling, a summary of Sarah's nursing record and dialogical meetings with Sarah and the nurse co-participants. Using the research material a narrative is then co-constructed. The narrative is structured around what Sarah viewed as the overall nursing contribution to her care; the 'sharing of her burden of illness'. This, she maintained, enabled her to live safely in the community. Finally there occurs a critique of the narrative within a discursive framework. Three themes, embedded in particular discourses, emerged from the narrative both in Sarah's and the nurses' experience; paradox, moral meaning and metaphor. Sarah's experience is interpreted as taking place in the 'in-between space' of the disease and health-illness discourses. Two main concepts which depict the tension experienced in this space are the 'the ontological assault of illness' and 'entrapment in the disease discourse'. The nurses, in this instance, 'pushed the boundaries' to create a space for the nursing as a caring practice discourse on the margins of nursing as a functional service discourse. The author notes that, within the nursing as a caring practice space, many 'fine lines' were walked with Sarah. Walking the 'fine line' of an 'intense relationship' was seen as advanced nursing practice. The research highlights important implications for a person and/or families who live with chronic illness and practice and educational issues for advanced nurse practitioners. Further, it promotes praxiological methodologies as advantageous for expanding nursing knowledge.
Connor, M. (2004). Courage and complexity in chronic illness: Reflective practice in nursing. Wellington: Daphne Brasell & Whitireia Publishing.
Abstract: This book presents the reflective account of an actual nursing practice situation (a woman living with chronic asthma).The author provides a descriptive narrative and then delves deeper into the narrative to obtain greater understanding of what she calls “strife” in chronic illness and the best nursing practice to assist its resolution.
Dickinson, A. R. (2004). Within the web: The family/practitioner relationship in the context of chronic childhood illness. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This study explores the phenomenon of the relationships between practitioners and families who have a child with a chronic illness. Using a heremeneutic phenomenological method informed by the writings of Martin Heidegger [1889-1976] and Hans-Georg Gadamer [1900-2002], this study provides an understanding of the meaning of 'being in relationship' from the perspective of both families and practitioners. Study participants include ten family groups who have a child with a chronic illness and twelve practitioners from the disciplines of nursing, medicine, dietetics, physiotherapy and speech therapy who work with children with chronic illness. Narrative audio-taped interviewing was the means by which the participants told their stories about times that relationships worked well and when they did not. These stories uncover the every day realities of 'being in relationship' and provide another understanding of the relationship between family and practitioner.The findings of this thesis suggest that chronic childhood illness 'throws' families and practitioners together into a web of relationships that must work for the sake of the child. The relationship is primarily conducted between adults. Children are usually excluded. In order to understand and manage the child's illness, practitioners and families 'go around' and act 'in-between' relationships. While the quality of the relationship from the family perspective is not essential to the chronic illness journey, relationships are more successful when practitioners recognise the uniqueness of each family web. The nature of the relationship is often simple, yet it co-exists with complexity. This thesis proposes that a 'companion relationship' between practitioners and family may offer a more effective and satisfying way of working. It also challenges practitioners to consider the voice of children within health care relationships.
Lowe, P. (2007). A descriptive research study on factors that impact upon the quality of life of elderly women with comorbid chronic illnesses: Three women's perspectives. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The aim of this research study is to explore factors that older women living with comorbid chronic illnesses identify as key to maintaining or improving their quality of life. This study uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive methodology. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with three women over the age of 80 who had been diagnosed with more than one chronic illness. These interviews were audiotaped, and the data analysed using thematic analysis. What emerged from this analysis of older women was the need for them to create meaning in their life, which is further explicated through three main themes: (1) coping with changing health, (2) the impact of family, and (3) attitude. Attitude to life and having a positive outlook were all factors these participants expressed as being essential to maintaining their quality of life. The quality of life of these participants is enhanced by the ability of these women to create meaning in their life. They do this by integrating their wealth of past experience into their present, reflecting back on their lives, but still gaining enjoyment from the here and now.
Polaschek, N. (2000). The concerns of Pakeha men living on home haemodialysis: A critical interpretive study. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This nursing study seeks to understand the experience of one group of people with chronic renal failure using renal replacement therapy, Pakeha men living on home haemodialysis. It is based on the assumptions that people living on dialysis have distinctive experiences that are characterised by common concerns reflecting their shared position as subjects of renal illness and therapy. In order to understand the experience of people living on dialysis, this study develops a critical interpretive approach, seeking the participant's own interpretation of their individual experiences. The experiences are then reinterpreted them from a critical standpoint, recognising that they can only be adequately understood by contextualising them. This enables the researcher to discern the common perspective underlying them in contrast to the dominant professional viewpoint in the renal setting. The concerns identified include symptoms from chronic renal failure and dialysis, limitations resulting from the negotiation of the therapeutic regime into their lifestyle, their sense of ongoingness and uncertainty of living on dialysis, and the altered interrelationship between autonomy and dependence inherent in living on dialysis. The study suggests that the individual accounts can be understood as resulting from the interaction of the various dimensions of their own personal social locations, including their gender and ethnicity, with the concerns of client discourse, reflecting their common position as people living on dialysis. The author concludes that one implication of this understanding is that the role of nursing in the renal setting can be articulated as a response to the experience of the person living on dialysis. The nurse can support the renal client in seeking to integrate the requirements of the therapeutic regime into their personal situation.
Polaschek, N. (2003). Negotiated care: A model for nursing work in the renal setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42(4), 355–363.
Abstract: This article outlines a model for the nursing role in the chronic health care context of renal replacement therapy. Materials from several streams of literature are used to conceptualise the potential for nursing work in the renal setting as negotiated care. In order to present the role of the renal nurse in this way it is contextualised by viewing the renal setting as a specialised social context constituted by a dominant professional discourse and a contrasting client discourse. While performing specific therapeutic activities in accord with the dominant discourse, renal nurses can develop a relationship with the person living on dialysis, based on responsiveness to their subjective experience reflecting the renal client discourse. In contrast to the language of noncompliance prevalent in the renal setting, nurses can, through their relationship with renal clients, facilitate their attempts to negotiate the requirements of the therapeutic regime into their own personal life situation. Nurses can mediate between the dominant and client discourses for the person living on dialysis. Care describes the quality that nurses actively seek to create in their relationships with clients, through negotiation, in order to support them to live as fully as possible while using renal replacement therapy. The author concludes that within chronic health care contexts, shaped by the acute curative paradigm of biomedicine, the model of nursing work as negotiated care has the potential to humanise contemporary medical technologies by responding to clients' experiences of illness and therapy.
Rickard, D. (1999). Parents as experts: partnership in the care of the chronically ill children : Margaret May Blackwell Travel Study, Fellowship for Nurses of Young Children, 1999. Margaret May Blackwell Travel Study Fellowship Reports. Wellington, N.Z.: Nursing Education and Research Foundation (NERF).
Abstract: Visits paediatric community nursing services in the UK and Australia to report on how specialist and children's community nurses work with parents to deliver health care to children with asthma, diabetes and other endocrine disorders, cystic fibrosis, eczema, cardiac diseases, and liver transplants. Part of the Margaret May Blackwell Scholarship Reports series.
Turnwald, A. B. (2006). Acute Hypercarbia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Presentations to a New Zealand emergency department. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: A retrospective descriptive design was used to examine the records of all presentations to the emergency department of patients with COPD over a 3-month period to determine whether there is a subset group of people who present with hypercarbia. There were 114 presentations, amongst those there were 71 individuals, a number presenting more than once within the three months. 80% of the 71 individuals had a smoking history of which 53% were female. Of the 114 presentations, 76 had arterial blood gases taken during their emergency department presentation. Of these 76 presentations 30 had hypercarbia and 46 were non-hypercarbia. These 76 presentations involved 58 individuals, with some individuals presenting five times over the three-month period. Three groups emerged, some who were only hypercarbia (n= 18), some in the non-hypercarbia group (n=35) and 5 individuals who had presentations in both the hypercarbia and non-hypercarbia groups. Data showed that there was no definable subset group of hypercarbia patients within acute exacerbations of COPD presenting to the emergency department according to the variables. However the sample of presentations (with a blood gas) found within the study suffering hypercarbia was much higher (31.1%) than anticipated. Further analysis showed that the hypercarbia group had a significant lower forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and a combination diagnosis of emphysema or asthma and congestive heart failure. An implication to the clinician is that identification of hypercarbia within COPD exacerbation is problematically difficult until the late signs are shown with the individual. By that time effective treatment patterns may have changed from the initial presenting problem. The author concludes that future areas of research within this field needs to lie within the community, and look at when these people start the exacerbation, what leads them to progression presentation to the emergency department, and whether these people are chronic sufferers of hypercarbia or presenting after a period of days exacerbation within their own home.
Wagener, S. (1994). The nursing management of the acutely ill child in communities without readily available specialist paediatric services. Margaret May Blackwell Travel Study Fellowship Reports. Northland, N.Z.: Nursing Education and Research Foundation (NERF).
Abstract: Observes how acutely ill children in remote areas of Australia are managed in the absence of specialist paediatric nursing services. Visits remote nursing stations, rural hospitals, and the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Part of the Margaret May Blackwell Scholarship Reports series.
Ward, C. R. (2005). Children matter: What is important to the child living with a life-threatening illness.
Abstract: When a child lives with a life-threatening illness there is a range of emotions that affect the child, family and people close to the child. This study utilises a narrative approach to explore what the child puts emphasis on in what is important to them as they live with serious illness. The study incorporates the nurse as narrator with the 'narratives' of the children integrated into her reflections to gain a broader understanding. The focus is on listening intently to the spoken needs of children, their story and the meaning they make of their situation when they live with their illness. 'Children' in this study are between the ages of six years to 15 years. The aim of this research is to provide a clear understanding of the lived experience, which may illuminate the needs of the child and what is required throughout the time of illness; therefore informing health professionals of a culture of care that may support these needs. A broader understanding and deeper insight into the complexity of children living with life-threatening illnesses provides a basis for the development of sensitive, humanistic quality nursing care for both the child and his/her family, this then enhances the potential for best practice for children living with a life-threatening illness.
Woods, M. (2001). Balancing rights and duties in 'life and death' decision making involving children: A role for nurses? Nursing Ethics, 8(5), 397–408.
Abstract: This article examines a growing number of cases in New Zealand in which parents and guardians are required to make life and death ethical decisions on behalf of their seriously ill child. Increasingly, nurses and other practitioners are expected to more closely inform, involve and support the rights of parents or guardians in such situations. Differing moral and ethical values between the medical team and parents or guardians can lead to difficult decision making situations. The article analyses the moral parameters, processes, outcomes and ethical responses that must be considered when life and death ethical decisions involving children are made. It concludes with a recommendation that nurses should be recognised as perhaps the most suitable of all health care personnel when careful mediation is needed to produce an acceptable moral outcome in difficult ethical situations.
Woods, M. (2008). Parental resistance. Mobile and transitory discourses: A discursive analysis of parental resistance towards medical treatment for a seriously ill child. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This qualitative thesis uses discourse analysis to examine parental resistance towards medical treatment of critically ill children. It is an investigation of the 'mobile and transitory' discourses at play in instances of resistance between parents, physicians and nurses within health care institutions, and an examination of the consequences of resistance through providing alternative ways of perceiving and therefore understanding these disagreements. The philosophical perspectives, methodology and methods used in this thesis are underpinned by selected ideas taken from the works of Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu and supported by relevant literature in the fields of media, law, children, parenting, caring, serious childhood illness, medicine and nursing. It is argued that from an examination of interview based texts, parental resistance is an omnipresent but transitory occurrence that affects many of the interactions between the parents of seriously ill children and clinical staff. It is maintained that within these interactions, the seeds of this resistance are sown in both critical decision making situations and in everyday occurrences between doctors, nurses and parents within healthcare institutions. Contributing factors to parental resistance include the use of power games by staff, the language of medicine, forms of symbolic violence, the presence or absence of trust between parents and medical staff, the effects of medical habitus, and challenges to the parental role and identity. Overall, it is proposed in this thesis that parents who resist treatment for their seriously ill child are not exceptions to the normative patient-physician relationship.