Alcorn, G. (2001). Giving voice to school nursing as a primary health care specialty. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to give voice to school nursing as a primary health care specialty, and to promote the development of school nursing in New Zealand. School nursing is an invisible practice specialty that is largely funded from within the education sector, to address the health needs of student clients. School nursing is a significant primary health care initiative that can positively influence student health outcomes. The author presents her own school nursing practice experience and philosophy, prior to reflecting upon the history of school nursing, and the health concerns present within the student population. The work then moves to review and critique school nursing literature from New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This thesis highlights the need for collaborative policy and practice development initiatives including a legislative requirement for school nurses, school nursing competencies and standards, school nurse to student ratios, postgraduate training, professional liaison, practice funding, and research. A discourse on the reflective topical autobiographical method introduces autobiographical poetry from school nursing practice and reflective inquiry, as the central research endeavour of this thesis. Autobiographical poetry is offered as a window to this specialty practice, and accompanying reflections allow access to a further layer of practice knowledge.
Burrell, B. (2003). Mixed-sex rooms: Invading patients' privacy? Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 9(4), 26–28.
Abstract: The author considers the issue of mixed-sex rooming (MSR) in New Zealand hospitals. A review of the literature is presented, with a focus on the attitudes and experiences of patients in the UK, where the issue has been most practised and studied. Findings of a survey of a group of New Zealand female patients are presented. The patients feelings of embarrassment and loss of dignity and privacy are discussed. The legal issues are explored, with the practice evaluated against the patient's rights detailed in the Code of Health and Disability Services and the Privacy Act 1993.
Carryer, J. B., Gardner, G., Dunn, S., & Gardner, A. (2007). The core role of the nurse practitioner: Practice, professionalism and clinical leadership. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(10), 1818–1825.
Abstract: This article draws on empirical evidence to illustrate the core role of nurse practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. A study jointly commissioned by both countries' Regulatory Boards developed information of the newly created nurse practitioner role, to develop shared competency and educational standards. This interpretive study used multiple data sources, including published and grey literature, policy documents, nurse practitioner programme curricula and interviews with 15 nurse practitioners from the two countries. The core role of the nurse practitioner was identified as having three components: dynamic practice, professional efficacy and clinical leadership. Nurse practitioner practice is dynamic and involves the application of high level clinical knowledge and skills in a wide range of contexts. The nurse practitioner demonstrates professional efficacy, enhanced by an extended range of autonomy that includes legislated privileges. The nurse practitioner is a clinical leader with a readiness and an obligation to advocate for their client base and their profession at the systems level of health care.
Chang, E. M., Bidewell, J. W., Huntington, A. D., Daly, J., Johnson, A., Wilson, H., et al. (2008). A survey of role stress, coping and health in Australian and New Zealand hospital nurses. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 44(8), 1354–1362.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine and compare Australian and New Zealand nurses' experience of workplace stress, coping strategies and health status. A postal survey was administered to 328 New South Wales (Australia) and 190 New Zealand volunteer acute care hospital nurses (response rate 41%) from randomly sampled nurses. The survey consisted of a demographic questionnaire, the Nursing Stress Scale, the WAYS of Coping Questionnaire and the SF-36 Health Survey Version 2. More frequent workplace stress predicted lower physical and mental health. Problem-focused coping was associated with better mental health. Emotion-focused coping was associated with reduced mental health. Coping styles did not predict physical health. New South Wales and New Zealand scored effectively the same on sources of workplace stress, stress coping methods, and physical and mental health when controlling for relevant variables. Results suggest mental health benefits for nurses who use problem-solving to cope with stress by addressing the external source of the stress, rather than emotion-focused coping in which nurses try to control or manage their internal response to stress. Cultural similarities and similar hospital environments could account for equivalent findings for New South Wales and New Zealand.
Clendon, J., & Krothe, J. (2004). The nurse-managed clinic: An evaluative study. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 20(2), 15–23.
Abstract: Part of an international project, the aim of this study was to evaluate a nurse managed primary health care clinic (Mana Health Clinic) from the perspectives of users, funders, and providers of clinical services in order to identify factors which contribute to success. The method used was Fourth Generation Evaluation (FGE) whereby, consistent with the methodological precepts of the constructivist enquiry paradigm, there was active involvement of clients in the process and outcome of the evaluation. Open-ended interviews were conducted with 13 individuals and one focus group. The data yielded four main categories: factors that contribute to success; contrasting past experience of health care with that of nurse-managed care; the effectiveness of nurse-managed care; and suggestions for change in current practice. The authors note that the results to date support a tentative conclusion of success for the clinic. As the study is on-going, summaries of the four categories were fed back to the participants for further discussion and interpretation and eventual integration with data from the similar study being undertaken in the United States. The authors conclude that this paper demonstrates how the use of an appropriate method of evaluation can itself contribute to the success of the nurse managed clinic.
Corbett, A. (2004). Cultural safety: A New Zealand experience. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 7(1), 14–17.
Abstract: The Indigenous Nursing Education Working Group report “Gettin em n keepin em”, was presented at the Australasian Nurse Educators Conference held in Rotorua, New Zealand. The practicalities of the implementation of this report were challenged in light of the experiences of New Zealand nurse educators in implementing the concepts of cultural safety into undergraduate nurse education in New Zealand. The experiences of one Maori family with the Australian health system is given to illustrate the points made.
Currie, J., Edwards, L., Colligan, M., & Crouch, R. (2007). A time for international standards? Comparing the Emergency Nurse Practitioner role in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Accident & Emergency Nursing, 15(4), 210–216.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to compare the Emergency Nurse Practitioner role in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Whilst geographically distant, the role of the Emergency Nurse Practitioner within these three countries shares fundamental similarities, causing the researchers to question, is this a time to implement international standards for the role? The Emergency Nurse Practitioner role in all three countries is gradually establishing itself, yet there are shared concerns over how the role is regulated and deficits in standardisation of scope of practice and educational level. Together these issues generate confusion over what the role embodies. The authors suggest that one method of demystifying the Emergency Nurse Practitioner role would be to progress towards international standards for regulation, education and core components of practice.
DeSouza, R. (2008). Wellness for all: The possibilities of cultural safety and cultural competence in New Zealand. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(2), 125–135.
Abstract: The author contends that responses to cultural diversity in nursing need to consider the theory and practice developments of the profession, whilst also responding to broader social and historical process that prevent marginalised groups from utilising universal health services. A combination of approaches is suggested in this paper to meet these two imperatives. Cultural safety is one indigenous New Zealand nursing approach derived in response to inequalities for Maori, whereas cultural competence is an imported paradigm derived from a multicultural context. Furthermore, research and dialogue are required to examine points of complementarity and tension. This paper offers a beginning for this process.
Diers, D. (2008). “Noses and eyes”: Nurse practitioners in New Zealand. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 24(1 (Mar)), 4–10.
Abstract: Principles for understanding and evolving nurse practitioner practice, politics and policy are distilled from 40 years of experience in the United States and Australia. The issues in all countries are remarkably similar. The author suggests that some historical and conceptual grounding may assist the continuing development of this expanded role for nursing in New Zealand.
Esera, F. I. (2001). If a client is operating from a Samoan world view how can s/he be holistically and appropriately treated under the western medical model? Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This paper is an analysis of the cultural and traditional factors that the author presents as essential considerations in the treatment of Samoan people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. Just as important to any clinical diagnosis, is the spiritual nature of Samoan culture and traditions, which inform belief systems. A full understanding of these will explain how the traditional beliefs and cultural values of Samoan people have an impact on their perception of mental illness, its causes and cures. The thesis places emphasis on 'ma'i -aitu', the Samoan term for most ailments pertaining to the mind or psyche. The focus is on defining 'ma'i -aitu' as part of a Samoan world view and likewise a description of a similar type of manifestation in the Papalagi (western) context of a psychiatric disorder and how treatment and management is usually undertaken. The issues addressed in this paper aim to highlight the Samoan client's world view from a Samoan perspective of mental illness which then poses the question of how they can be managed holistically and appropriately under the Papalagi medical system. Furthermore, it questions if the traditional belief system of Samoans run deeper than originally thought and can the replacement thereof by a foreign culture be responsible for the increased mental problems in Samoans living in New Zealand? This paper emphasises the importance of integrating the western medical model and Samoan health models, for appropriate mental health service delivery to Samoan people.
Finlayson, M., & Aitken, L. H. (2007). New Zealand nurses' reports on hospital care: An international comparison. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 23(1), 17–28.
Abstract: The authors present the results of a 2001 New Zealand survey on nurses' perception of staffing, work organisation and outcomes, comparing this with the 2001 International Hospital Outcomes Study (US, Canada, England, Scotland and Germany). The report describes the findings for job dissatisfaction, burnout and the intent to leave, the work climate in hospitals, workforce management, the structure of nurses' work, and quality of care. The authors discuss these findings and their implications for nursing in New Zealand.
Flynn, L., Carryer, J. B., & Budge, C. (2005). Organisational attributes valued by hospital, home care, and district nurses in the United States and New Zealand. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(1), 67–72.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine whether hospital-based, home care, and district nurses identify a core set of organisational attributes in the nursing work environment that they value as important to the support of professional practice. Survey data, collected in 2002 2003 from 403 home care nurses in the United States and 320 district nurses in New Zealand, were pooled with an existing data set of 669 hospital-based nurses to conduct this descriptive, nonexperimental study. The importance of organisational attributes in the nursing work environment was measured using the Nursing Work Index-Revised (NWI-R). The authors found that at least 80% of hospital-based, home care, and district nurses either agreed or strongly agreed that 47 of the 49 items comprising the NWI-R represented organisational attributes they considered important to the support of their professional nursing practice. Mean importance scores among home care nurses, however, were significantly lower than were those of the other two groups. The authors conclude that the overall, hospital-based, home care, and district nurses had a high level of agreement regarding the importance of organisational traits to the support of their professional practice. The intensity of the attributes' importance was less among home care nurses. Further research is needed to determine whether this set of organisational traits, measured using the NWI-R, is associated with positive nurse and patient outcomes in home care and district nursing practice, as has been shown in acute care settings.
Giddings, D. L. S. (2005). Health disparities, social injustice, and the culture of nursing. Nursing Research, 54(5), 304–312.
Abstract: The aim of this cross-cultural study was to collect stories of difference and fairness within nursing. The study used a life history methodology informed by feminist theory and critical social theory. Life story interviews were conducted with 26 women nurses of varying racial, cultural, sexual identity, and specialty backgrounds in the United States (n = 13) and Aotearoa New Zealand (n = 13). Participants reported having some understanding of social justice issues. They were asked to reflect on their experience of difference and fairness in their lives and specifically within nursing. Their stories were analysed using a life history immersion method. Nursing remains attached to the ideological construction of the “White good nurse.” Taken-for-granted ideals privilege those who fit in and marginalise those who do not. The nurses who experienced discrimination and unfairness, survived by living in two worlds, learned to live in contradiction, and worked surreptitiously for social justice. For nurses to contribute to changing the systems and structures that maintain health disparities, the privilege of not seeing difference and the processes of mainstream violence that support the construction of the “White good nurse” must be challenged. Nurses need skills to deconstruct the marginalising social processes that sustain inequalities in nursing and healthcare. These hidden realities-racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of discrimination-will then be made visible and open to challenge.
Hales, A., & Dignam, D. (2002). Nurse prescribing lessons from the US. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 8(10), 12–15.
Abstract: The researchers present a survey of a sample population of 32 advanced practice nurses (APN) in the US about their experiences of acquiring and implementing prescriptive authority. The issues relevant to nurse practitioners in New Zealand are discussed, around acquiring knowledge and education, relationships with other professionals, establishing the role, and retaining the nursing role. The intent and scope of APN prescribing in the US is also discussed.
Horrocks, T. (2001). Implementing change combining Maori and Western knowledge in health delivery. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(13), 37–41.
Abstract: This article explores the incorporation of western knowledge with kaupapa Maori in the delivery of health care. It presents a fictional kaupapa Maori service, as a tool to explore the change process and influence that organisational culture and leadership styles have on a process of integrating a kaupapa Maori nursing service. The importance of continual evaluation through quality assurance measures was also conveyed.