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Alcorn, G. (2001). Giving voice to school nursing as a primary health care specialty. Ph.D. thesis, , .
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Burrell, B. (2003). Mixed-sex rooms: Invading patients' privacy? Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 9(4), 26–28.
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Carryer, J. B., Gardner, G., Dunn, S., & Gardner, A. (2007). The core role of the nurse practitioner: Practice, professionalism and clinical leadership. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(10), 1818–1825.
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Chang, E. M., Bidewell, J. W., Huntington, A. D., Daly, J., Johnson, A., Wilson, H., et al. (2008). A survey of role stress, coping and health in Australian and New Zealand hospital nurses. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 44(8), 1354–1362.
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Clendon, J., & Krothe, J. (2004). The nurse-managed clinic: An evaluative study. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 20(2), 15–23.
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Corbett, A. (2004). Cultural safety: A New Zealand experience. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 7(1), 14–17.
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Currie, J., Edwards, L., Colligan, M., & Crouch, R. (2007). A time for international standards? Comparing the Emergency Nurse Practitioner role in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Accident & Emergency Nursing, 15(4), 210–216.
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DeSouza, R. (2008). Wellness for all: The possibilities of cultural safety and cultural competence in New Zealand. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(2), 125–135.
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Diers, D. (2008). “Noses and eyes”: Nurse practitioners in New Zealand. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 24(1 (Mar)), 4–10.
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Esera, F. I. (2001). If a client is operating from a Samoan world view how can s/he be holistically and appropriately treated under the western medical model? Ph.D. thesis, , .
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Finlayson, M., & Aitken, L. H. (2007). New Zealand nurses' reports on hospital care: An international comparison. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 23(1), 17–28.
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Flynn, L., Carryer, J. B., & Budge, C. (2005). Organisational attributes valued by hospital, home care, and district nurses in the United States and New Zealand. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(1), 67–72.
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Giddings, D. L. S. (2005). Health disparities, social injustice, and the culture of nursing. Nursing Research, 54(5), 304–312.
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Hales, A., & Dignam, D. (2002). Nurse prescribing lessons from the US. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 8(10), 12–15.
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Horrocks, T. (2001). Implementing change combining Maori and Western knowledge in health delivery. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(13), 37–41.
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