Banks, J., McArthur, J., & Gordon, G. (2000). Flexible monitoring in the management of patient care process: A pilot study. Lippincott's Case Management, 5(3), 94–106.
Abstract: This article describes a study conducted on the internal medicine, general surgical, and vascular wards of a large metropolitan hospital to assess the impact of a networked monitoring system and portable patient monitors. This pilot study was developed to address the needs of hospital patients who require continuous non-invasive vital signs monitoring (including heart rate, non-invasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, cardiac waveform monitoring) with the addition of surveillance from a cardiac intensive care area. Data were collected from 114 patients over a three-month period to identify a patient group that could be managed appropriately under the new system and to determine the effect that flexible monitoring had on patient care management. Findings include identification of a specific patient group that can be managed successfully outside the cardiac intensive care area using this system. Other findings suggest a way to improve the management of patient monitoring in the general ward areas.
Bryson, L. W. (2006). Nurse-led heart failure services: A review of the literature.
Abstract: This research paper reports on the findings of a literature review conducted to establish and analyse the international magnitude, context and effectiveness of nurse-led heart failure initiatives. The research revealed that the underlying philosophy in establishing nurse-led disease management programmes of care is that, by treating chronic heart failure as a continuum, it is possible to decrease exacerbations and improve patient outcomes. Regardless of the type of heart failure management programme, critical components of care include a collaborative supportive approach that educates and empowers the patient (including family/whanau) to recognise the early indicators of exacerbation, access expedient care, and to adhere to evidence based treatments. The author points to significant evidence to support the establishment of nurse-led heart failure programmes. The positive outcomes associated with this model of care delivery include decreased readmissions, reduction in mortality, and cost efficiencies. However, the organisational model of care, or programme components that are the most effective in optimising patient outcomes, need to be selected on the basis of local healthcare infrastructure, services and resources. The author suggests that New Zealand has a unique opportunity to encompass the recent emergence of the Nurse Practitioner role in facilitating, coordinating and monitoring of heart failure programmes across the continuum of care. The delivery of evidence-based, cost effective, heart failure programmes is a prerequisite to improving the delivery of optimal treatment and ensuring that heart failure patients have the opportunity to attain quality care outcomes.
Davies, D. C. (2006). Practice nurses' perceptions of their contribution to the care of individuals with chronic health conditions. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Table of Contents: 1. Background and overview; 2. Research design and method; 3. Literature review; 4. Preparation of the individual for an appointment at the general practice; 5. Care provided by the practice nurse at the general practice; 6. The giving of information; 7. A discussion of the dualities of the contribution of practice nurses to the care of individuals with chronic conditions; 8. Study summary and conclusions.
Day, W. (2000). Relaxation: A nursing therapy to help relieve cardiac chest pain. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18(1), 40–44.
Abstract: This article discusses ways in which relaxation, when used as an adjunct to medical therapies, can be a useful nursing management tool for effectively relieving cardiac pain. The available literature suggests that although nurses place a lot of importance on cardiac patients being pain free, it is apparent this is often not achieved. Research and documented case studies suggest that relaxation can play an important role in the treatment and prevention of this distressing symptom. The author advocates for nurses to challenge nursing practice and help patients deal effectively with chest pain in a way that meets each individual's needs.
Day, W. (2003). Women and cardiac rehabilitation: A review of the literature. Contemporary Nurse, 16(1-2), 92–101.
Abstract: This literature review explores some of the issues related to women's experience of cardiac rehabilitation and demonstrates that women's experience may be different to that of men. Much of the research related to coronary heart disease (CHD) has been performed using either exclusively male populations or such small numbers of women that the results from the women studied were unable to be analysed independently. The author advocates that nurses working within this area of practice require an understanding of women's experience of recovery from a heart attack in order to better meet their needs.
Framp, A. (2006). Diffuse gastric cancer. Gastroenterology Nursing, 29(3), 232–238.
Abstract: This article provides an overview of gastric cancer using a unique case study involving a Maori family genetically predisposed to diffuse gastric cancer. The pathophysiology of diffuse gastric cancer, including prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment, along with important patient considerations is highlighted.
Francis, L. (2007). Polio is history – isn't it. Whitireia Nursing Journal, 14, 24–31.
Abstract: Using the stories of four polio survivors who have since contracted post polio syndrome (PPS), this article discusses the theories regarding the cause of PPS as well as the varying symptoms and problems for those living with the disease.
Giddings, D. L. S., Roy, D. E., & Predeger, E. (2007). Women's experience of ageing with a chronic condition. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58(6), 557–565.
Abstract: This paper is a report of a study to explore the experiences of 'almost old' women as they grow older while living with a chronic condition. Little is known about the contextual effects of ageing and how it shapes and is shaped by a woman's chronic illness experience. Seven women aged between 50 and 58 years participated in this interpretive descriptive study that explored the issues of ageing with a chronic condition. Three focus groups were held between March 2003 and March 2004. Transcriptions were analysed after each focus group. Participants were given the opportunity to respond to the findings as the analysis progressed. The experience of living with a chronic illness foreshadowed what was to come with ageing and embodied the ageing process: it was just part of their lives. Alongside this, the women now felt less out of place. Their peers were catching up and beginning to experience aspects of participants' everyday reality. The women, however, experienced double jeopardy because ageing amplified the ongoing vulnerabilities of living with a chronic condition. The authors conclude that nurses who recognise the resourcefulness and expertise of women who live with a chronic condition can effectively be co-strategists in helping them to age well.
Gregory, R., & Kaplan, L. (2008). Understanding residuals in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 10(7), 16–18.
Abstract: The authors review the literature on the residual effects of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which can include fatigue, foot drop or numbness, reduced mobility and nerve tingling. In GBS the peripheral nerves are attacked by the body's defence system, an auto-immune attack, and as a result, the myelin sheath and axons of nerves are impaired. The pathophysiology of the illness and long term effects are presented, and implications for nursing care and rehabilitation are discussed. Two case studies are included which illustrate coping with the long-term effects of GBS, the effect of GBS residuals on extreme fatigue and depression.
Harris, C., Crozier, I., Smyth, J., Elliot, J., Watson, P. B., Sands, J., et al. (2007). An audit of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients representing acutely with chest pain within six months of PCI.
Abstract: This reports an audit of the assessment practices at Christchurch Hospital, compared to international guidelines. The clinical notes of all patients who were re- admitted acutely with chest pain within six months of PCI procedures performed between 1/4/05 and 30/9/05 were audited. Ethics approval was granted and an audit tool was designed based on the 2000 ACC/AHA Guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina. The purpose of the audit was to determine to what extent best practice guidelines were followed in the assessment of patients re-admitted with chest pain and to determine if there were any indicators (lesional, procedural or risk factors for restenosis) that predicted a normal or abnormal repeat coronary angiogram. 448 consecutive patients had PCI procedures, 36 patients represented acutely with chest pain and had repeat coronary angiography. In 18 patients the coronary angiogram was unchanged, 11 patients demonstrated instent restenosis, one patient demonstrated thrombus and six patients developed new lesions. The authors concluded that at Christchurch Hospital assessment practices are consistent with international guidelines. Of the patients who had repeat angiography, 50% had no coronary obstruction for the cause of pain. There was a relatively low incidence of acute representation with chest pain. These results suggest a revision of the guidelines for repeat angiography following PCI is warranted.
Harrison, I., & Mercer, C. (2021). Rapid antigen detection testing for diagnosis of group A streptococcus (GAS) in children. Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 12(1), 63–65.
Abstract: Evaluates the use of the rapid antigen detection tests (RADT) to diagnose group A streptococcus (GAS) in children with pharyngitis symptoms. Suggests that using RADT for GAS as part of diagnostic screening my help to reduce rheumatic fever hospital admission rates.
Henty, C., & Dickinson, A. R. (2007). Practice nurses' experiences of the Care Plus programme: A qualitative descriptive study. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website, 34(5), 335–338.
Abstract: The aim of this small qualitative descriptive pilot study was to describe the experiences of practice nurses delivering the Care Plus programme within the general practice setting. Care Plus was introduced into Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) in 2004. This programme encourages more involvement from practice nurses in chronic care management. For many New Zealand practice nurses this is a new role. This study, carried out prior to the larger Care Plus implementation review (2006), provides an insight into the nursing experience of implementing Care Plus and provides a basis for future studies with regard to the nurse's role within the Care Plus programme.
Horsburgh, M., Goodyear-Smith, F., & Yallop, J. (2008). Nursing initiatives in primary care: An approach to risk reduction for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website, 35(3), 176–182.
Abstract: The authors evaluated a nurse-led cardiovascular disease and diabetes (CVD) management project. The Ministry of Health funded the project to implement models of nurse service delivery, with care pathways for risk reduction of CVD and diabetes based on national guidelines, with quality assurance, audit and nurse leadership. The paper presents the components required to implement and sustain a nurse CVD risk assessment and management service, which were identified and clarified through the action research process.
Horsburgh, M., Goodyear-Smith, F., Yallop, J., & O'Connor, S. (2008). Implementation of a nursing initiative in primary care: A case report, cardiovascular disease risk reduction. New Zealand Family Physician, 35(3), 183–186.
Abstract: The aim was to report on implementation of a nursing initiative of cardiovascular disease (CVD) screening risk assessment at the Mornington Health Centre, Dunedin, with initial outcomes after six months. The practice aim was 80% of their eligible population assessed within three to four years, particularly targeting high-risk groups. The audit indicates that in their first six months, Mornington Health Centre had screened 42% of their eligible patients. This is described as very successful progress towards their goal of 80%. A number of key organisational factors are identified that are likely to have contributed to the development and success of the nurse CVD risk assessment programme at Mornington Health Centre. The authors suggest that this case study demonstrates how organisational change, where the practice nurse role in the multidisciplinary team is clear, can facilitate a practice to meet a population-based goal.
Huntington, A. D., & Gilmour, J. A. (2005). A life shaped by pain: Women and endometriosis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(9), 1124–1132.
Abstract: The research aim was to explore women's perceptions of living with endometriosis, its effects on their lives and the strategies used to manage their disease. A qualitative research design informed by feminist research principles was chosen for this project. Eighteen women agreed to take part in the research. The individual, audio taped interviews were semi-structured and interactive. The interviews were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. The dominant feature of data from the interviews was the experience of severe and chronic pain impacting on all aspects of life. Analysis related to pain resulted in four themes: manifestations of pain, the pain trajectory, intractable pain and controlling pain. The diagnostic process typically took 5-10 years indicating that primary health care practitioners need higher levels of 'suspicion' for this condition. Case studies and problem-based scenarios focusing on endometriosis in health professional education programmes would enhance diagnostic skills and knowledge development. No formal pain management follow up after diagnosis and treatment meant women actively sought information from other sources as they made major lifestyle changes in the areas of activity and nutrition. Pain management services specifically for women with endometriosis would provide much needed support with this neglected aspect of the disease. The authors conclude this is an area for the development of the nurse practitioner role which, also drawing on the considerable collective expertise of women with endometriosis, could provide significant information and support for women as they manage this highly complex condition.