Renor, C. (2012). Blogging about 'It'. Available through NZNO library, (19), 59–62.
Abstract: As nurses and students we all have our own 'its', which get out of perspective and cause us anxiety. By sharing this blog with you, I hope I help you with your 'it'. When all else fails try blogging about your 'it', and use reflection as a tool to grow yourself, instigate change and promote yourself as the evidence-based, caring nurse that you are.
Seaton, L., Seaton, P., & Yarwood, J. (2013). Preparedness: Lessons for educators from the Christchurch disaster. Available through NZNO library, 4(1), 11–16.
Abstract: This study describes the impact of a sudden, traumatic natural disaster on a bachelor of nursing programme, and the capacity and processes required to minimise disruption to programme delivery and student learning. This descriptive case study, undertaken across 2011-2012, collected data through interviews, a survey and artefact collection. Six key themes emerged from the inductive and descriptive statistical analyses: context; communication; leadership and followership; decision making; the need to balance shifting priorities around professional responsibilities and personal imperatives; and taking action and action plans. The conclusions reached emphasise safety as the first priority, encourage personal risk mitigation, and emphasise the importance of ongoing support and flexibility for all staff and students as well as the need for clear communication and decision-making. What is perhaps most important to take from this experience is that a plan does not, by itself, equal preparedness; every institution must look to its own context, consider its own priorities, and formulate its own approach to preparedness.