Lu, H., & Maithus, C. (2012). Experiences of clinical tutors with English as an additional language (EAL) students. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 28(3), 4–12.
Abstract: Conducts a study of the perceptions of new nursing graduates, with English as an additional language (EAL), on how they developed spoken language skills for the clinical workplace. Interviews 4 clinical tutors to elicit their views on the language development of EAL students. Outlines the themes that emerged from the tutor interviews.
Owen, K., Day, L., & Yang, D. (2017). Promoting well-being for Chinese international students in an undergraduate nursing programme: reducing culture shock. Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, (24), 13–20.
Abstract: Reviews literature relating to the experience of international tertiary students, particularly Chinese students, undertaking nursing education. Reports that international students cite poorer mental and physical health outcomes than domestic students, and that students with English as an additional language (EAL) experience culture shock, frustration and stress. Suggests that tertiary institutions need to supply targeted interventions for international students in language and cultural adaptation to promote positive acculturation.
Pool, L., Day, L., & Ridley, S. (2019). Mountain climbing: the journey for students with English as an additional language in a concept-based nursing curriculum. Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services, (26), 28–36.
Abstract: Identifies the communication and learning needs of EAL students in undergraduate nursing education. Presents strategies for EAL students and others with diverse learning needs to comprehend the underlying concepts of cultural safety, praxis, professional nursing and leadership in Whitireia's BN integrated nursing curriculum. Reports findings from focus group discussions with 13 students involved in the three-way partnership comprising lecturers, learning support services and EAL students.