Börner, H. E. (2008). Evaluating safe patient handling systems: Is there a better way? Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This observational study analyses the responses of 38 nurses from two similar units that use different patient handling systems to test the reliability and validity of the Safe Patient Handling Survey (TM) SPH Survey(TM), a perception survey and improvement tool for employees and employers. Currently there is a lack of tools for evaluating patient handling systems. The survey contains 55 questions divided into 6 clusters, staff and patient injury and violence questions, and picture questions depicting unsafe techniques. The data were analysed to see how the SPH Survey(TM) scores correlate with incidents, and its ability to detect differences between the two units. The results of the Pearson and Cronbach(TM) alpha tests show strong reliability, validity and consistency of the SPH Survey(TM). ANOVA comparison of means and Spearman(TM) rho tests shows that higher (better) scores on the SPH Survey(TM) clusters correlate with lower numbers of patient injuries, lower reports of verbal and physical violence episodes, and lower staff injuries. Differences were detected between the units with Unit 2 scoring higher than Unit 1 in all SPH Survey(TM) clusters and scoring lower in staff and patient injuries and violence incidents. Although the analysis was limited by the small sample size, the study has created a sound basis for further investigation. The SPH Survey(TM) is shown to be an easy way to reliably evaluate patient handling systems and workplace culture, target improvement initiatives, and continually monitor the level of patient handling risk in the workplace. Low-risk patient handling gives health care providers the means to focus on delivering high quality patient care, without endangering their own health and well-being.
Brinkman, A., & Caughley, B. (2004). Measuring on-the-job stress accurately. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 18(8), 12–15.
Abstract: The authors discuss the usefulness of a generic tool to measure job stress in New Zealand workplaces, and report on a study using one such generic tool. The study involved sending questionnaires to all staff (193) who had worked at a regional women's health service for a minimum of six months. The mailed package contained the Job Stress Survey (JSS), the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), demographic questions (including cultural safety), shift work questions, and a blank page for “qualitative comment”. Over 12,000 pieces of data were collected from the study but this article focuses only on the results of the JSS. The JSS can be used to determine a “job stress index” and can also be used to measure “job pressure” and “lack of organisational support”. For this study, job stress index scores were calculated and organised by occupational groupings. Midwives, nurses and doctors all cited inadequate or poor quality equipment, excessive paperwork, insufficient personal time, and frequent interruptions, as their top stressors. Three of these four stressors fall within the job pressure index. The results of the survey prompted organisational changes, including: extensive discussions; equipment being updated; management being made aware of the depth of concern felt by staff; the creation of a place for staff to have personal time; and coping intervention strategies were initiated. The authors suggest that no generic measure of job stress can fully evaluate stressors unique to a particular work setting. They support additional items being constructed and administered to assess stressors that are idiosyncratic to a particular occupational group.
Cameron, M. (2017). Evaluation report of a postgraduate specialty programme: is a specialty nursing qualification delivering what it says it does? Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, (24), 37–45.
Abstract: Examines whether a postgraduate programme for Well Child/Tamariki Ora (WCTO) nurses prepares nurses new to child health to understand primary health care, health promotion, community nursing and nursing theory. Uses on online survey devised by Plunket National Educators to evaluate the (WCTO) strand of the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty Nursing curriculum against the delivery of the programme. Assesses student experience and student perceptions of the impact of their learning on their nursing practice. Considers whether it enables nurses to consider the specific populations in their care, or to encourage individuals, families and communities to increase their skills in health-focused daily living. Seeks to ascertain whether the structure of the programme, based on the clinical integration approach, supports nursing practice and academic study.
Carryer, J. B., Gardner, G., Dunn, S., & Gardner, A. (2007). The core role of the nurse practitioner: Practice, professionalism and clinical leadership. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(10), 1818–1825.
Abstract: This article draws on empirical evidence to illustrate the core role of nurse practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. A study jointly commissioned by both countries' Regulatory Boards developed information of the newly created nurse practitioner role, to develop shared competency and educational standards. This interpretive study used multiple data sources, including published and grey literature, policy documents, nurse practitioner programme curricula and interviews with 15 nurse practitioners from the two countries. The core role of the nurse practitioner was identified as having three components: dynamic practice, professional efficacy and clinical leadership. Nurse practitioner practice is dynamic and involves the application of high level clinical knowledge and skills in a wide range of contexts. The nurse practitioner demonstrates professional efficacy, enhanced by an extended range of autonomy that includes legislated privileges. The nurse practitioner is a clinical leader with a readiness and an obligation to advocate for their client base and their profession at the systems level of health care.
Chadwick, A., & Hope, A. (2000). In pursuit of the named nurse. Australasian Journal of Neuroscience, 13(4), 6–9.
Abstract: This paper outlines the project outcomes, benefits, impact and constraints of introducing the named nurse concept to a neuro-services department. The concept of the named nurse was first introduced in the UK, in 1992, with the aim of supporting the partnership in care between the patient and the nurse. The evidence for the effectiveness of introducing the named nurse concept is largely anecdotal. In line with the hospital wide policy of implementing the named nurse concept at Auckland Hospital, a six-month pilot study was undertaken within the Neuro-services Department. The aims of the study were to foster a partnership in care with patients / whanau and the multidisciplinary team, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of nursing care, and to contribute to continuous quality improvement. The results highlighted that, in theory, the named nurse concept would be effective in providing quality co-ordinated care, however factors were identified that hindered the effectiveness of its implementation. Therefore, further development of the concept was required.
Chenery, K. (2007). Building child health nurses' confidence and competence. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 13(5), 26–38.
Abstract: This article describes the development of the Generic Orientation Programme, Child Health Nursing and its perceived impact on practice after ten months, through two simultaneous evaluation surveys, seeking the views of programme participants and their nurse managers. The programme aims to equip the newly appointed RN in the child health cluster or the nurse working in a non-designated children's area with the knowledge and skills to safely care for children. These include basic anatomical and physiological differences; fluid and electrolyte management; safe administration of medication; pain management; recognition of the seriously ill child; and building partnerships with children and their families. A survey instrument eliciting qualitative and quantitative responses was used. The majority of nurse respondents believed they had gained new knowledge and described how they were incorporating it into everyday practice. Similarly, several nurse managers observed that nurses' clinical knowledge and skills had improved since attending the programme. In particular, responses from those working in non-designated children's areas suggested the programme had provided them with greater insight into the care of children.
Clendon, J. (2003). Nurse-managed clinics: Issues in evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44(6), 558–565.
Abstract: This article explores the importance of evaluation of nurse-managed clinics using the Mana Health Clinic in Auckland, as an example. Fourth generation evaluation is offered as an appropriate methodology for undertaking evaluation of nurse-managed clinics. Fourth generation evaluation actively seeks involvement of clients in the process and outcome of the evaluation, resulting in participation and empowerment of stakeholders in the service – a precept often forgotten in traditional evaluation strategies and of vital importance in understanding why people use nurse-managed clinics. The method proposed here also incorporates the need for quantitative data. The main argument is that a combination of qualitative and quantitative data sources is likely to give the greatest understanding of nurse-managed clinics' utilisation.
Clendon, J., & Krothe, J. (2004). The nurse-managed clinic: An evaluative study. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 20(2), 15–23.
Abstract: Part of an international project, the aim of this study was to evaluate a nurse managed primary health care clinic (Mana Health Clinic) from the perspectives of users, funders, and providers of clinical services in order to identify factors which contribute to success. The method used was Fourth Generation Evaluation (FGE) whereby, consistent with the methodological precepts of the constructivist enquiry paradigm, there was active involvement of clients in the process and outcome of the evaluation. Open-ended interviews were conducted with 13 individuals and one focus group. The data yielded four main categories: factors that contribute to success; contrasting past experience of health care with that of nurse-managed care; the effectiveness of nurse-managed care; and suggestions for change in current practice. The authors note that the results to date support a tentative conclusion of success for the clinic. As the study is on-going, summaries of the four categories were fed back to the participants for further discussion and interpretation and eventual integration with data from the similar study being undertaken in the United States. The authors conclude that this paper demonstrates how the use of an appropriate method of evaluation can itself contribute to the success of the nurse managed clinic.
Cook, N., Phillips, B. N., & Sadler, D. (2005). The Tidal Model as experienced by patients and nurses in a regional forensic unit. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 15(5), 536–540.
Abstract: This study looks at the effect of implementing the Tidal Model at Rangipapa, a regional secure mental health forensic unit. A phenomenological study was undertaken to obtain reflective description of the nursing care experience from the perspective's of four registered nurses and four “special patients”. Five major themes were identified that appeared to capture the experiences of the participants. The themes show changes to the unit's unique culture and values following implementation of the model. These changes engendered a sense of hope, where nurses felt they were making a difference and patients were able to communicate in their own words their feelings of hope and optimism. Levelling was experienced as an effect emerging from individual and group processes whereby a shift in power enhanced a sense of self and connectedness in their relationships. These interpersonal transactions were noted by the special patients as being positive for their recovery. This enabled effective nurse-patient collaboration expressed simply as working together. The participants reported a feeling of humanity, so that there was a human face to a potentially objectifying forensic setting. Implications arising from this study are that the use of the model enables a synergistic interpersonal process wherein nurses are professionally satisfied and patients are validated in their experience supporting their recovery.
Fraser, A. G., Williamson, S., Lane, M., & Hollis, B. (2003). Nurse-led dyspepsia clinic using the urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori. Access is free to articles older than 6 months, and abstracts., 116(1176).
Abstract: Reports the audit of a nurse-led dyspepsia clinic at Auckland Hospital. Referrals to the Gastroenterology Department for gastroscopy were assessed in a dyspepsia clinic. Initial evaluation included consultation and a urea breath test (UBT). Patients given eradication treatment prior to initial clinic assessment were excluded. Patients with a positive UBT were given eradication treatment and were reviewed two months later for symptom assessment and follow-up UBT. Patients with a negative UBT were usually referred back to the GP. There were 173 patients with a mean age 38 years. The urea breath test was found to be useful as part of the initial assessment of selected patients who would otherwise have been referred for endoscopy. It is likely that the need for gastroscopy was reduced, but longer follow up will be required to determine whether or not this effect is simply due to delayed referral. This approach is likely to have value only in patients who have a relatively high chance of being H. pylori positive.
Gage, J., Everrett, K. D., & Bullock, L. (2006). Integrative review of parenting in nursing research. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 56–62.
Abstract: The authors synthesise and critically analyse parenting research in nursing. They focused on studies published between 1993 and 2004 by nurse researchers in peer-reviewed journals. Data were organised and analysed with a sample of 17 nursing research studies from core nursing journals. The majority of parenting research has been focused on mothers, primarily about parenting children with physical or developmental disabilities. Research about fathers as parents is sparse. Parenting across cultures, parenting in the context of family, and theoretical frameworks for parenting research are not well developed. The authors conclude that the scope of nursing research on parenting is limited.
Gallagher, P. (2000). An evaluation of a standards based portfolio [Corrected and republished article printed in NURSE EDUC TODAY 2001 Apr; 21(3): 197-200]. Nurse Education Today, 20(3), 218–226.
Abstract: This study is an evaluation of student perceptions of a standards based portfolio, which is a is a series of student work that seeks to address pre-determined learning outcomes. Of interest to the study was the relationship between theory and practice, the availability of resources to complete the assignment and the contribution the portfolio made to the process of learning. For a particular unit of learning, 'Nursing Business', second year undergraduate students in the Bachelor of Nursing programme were required to complete a portfolio. The assessment directed the students to meet specific criteria which in turn reflected the learning outcomes.
Gardner, A., Hase, S., Gardner, G., Dunn, S., & Carryer, J. B. (2008). From competence to capability: A study of nurse practitioners in clinical practice. Author copy available 12 months after publication from QUT ePrints, 17(2), 250–258.
Abstract: This research aimed to understand the level and scope of practice of the nurse practitioner in Australia and New Zealand further using a capability framework. The original study, from which the present paper was developed, sought to identify competency standards for the extended role of the nurse practitioner in Australia and New Zealand. In doing so the researchers became aware that while competencies described many of the characteristics of the nurse practitioner they did not manage to tell the whole story. In a search of the literature, the concept of capability appeared to provide a potentially useful construct to describe the attributes of the nurse practitioner that went beyond competence. A secondary analysis of data obtained from the interviews with 15 nurse practitioners working in Australia and New Zealand was undertaken. The analysis showed that capability and its dimensions is a useful model for describing the advanced level attributes of nurse practitioners. Thus, nurse practitioners described elements of their practice that involved: using their competences in novel and complex situations as well as the familiar; being creative and innovative; knowing how to learn; having a high level of self-efficacy; and working well in teams. This study suggests dimensions of capability need to be considered in the education and evaluation of nurse practitioners.
Giddings, D. L. S., & Grant, B. M. (2007). A Trojan Horse for positivism? A critique of mixed methods research. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(1), 52–60.
Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of mixed methods research, which the authors suggest is captured by a pragmatically inflected form of post-positivism. Although it passes for an alternative methodological movement that purports to breach the divide between qualitative and quantitative research, most mixed methods studies favour the forms of analysis and truth finding associated with positivism. The authors anticipate a move away from exploring more philosophical questions or undertaking modes of enquiry that challenge the status quo. At the same time, they recognise that mixed methods research offers particular strengths and that, although it serves as a Trojan Horse for positivism, it may productively carry other paradigmatic passengers.
Gohns, A. (2002). Management of opioid substitution treatment in the primary health care setting: A national training course for service providers. Full text online from the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners' website, 29(3), 172–175.
Abstract: The aim of this research was to describe a national opioid treatment training programme that was introduced into primary health care, and evaluate its effectiveness following its first year of operation. The programme was introduced as a strategy to recruit, train and support a primary health care workforce in the provision of methadone treatment. For the evaluation a written questionnaire was sent to the general practitioner, practice nurse and pharmacist participants of training programmes held throughout New Zealand in 2000. One hundred and forty-five (98%) participants reported that the overall quality of the course was good or better, and that relevant issues were, in general, covered. However a recurring theme related to difficulties in designing a course relevant to the three different professional groups, with some material not equally applicable to all. Another prominent theme pertained to the issue of funding. general practitioners lamented the failure to address the issue of transferring patients from a free specialist clinic to their practice for care. The evaluation of this pilot programme indicates that this training in methadone maintenance treatment was well-received by primary health care providers. However, the author notes that there is no benchmark with which to compare it.