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Börner, H. E. (2008). Evaluating safe patient handling systems: Is there a better way? Ph.D. thesis, , .
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Brinkman, A., & Caughley, B. (2004). Measuring on-the-job stress accurately. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 18(8), 12–15.
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Cameron, M. (2017). Evaluation report of a postgraduate specialty programme: is a specialty nursing qualification delivering what it says it does? Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, (24), 37–45.
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Carryer, J. B., Gardner, G., Dunn, S., & Gardner, A. (2007). The core role of the nurse practitioner: Practice, professionalism and clinical leadership. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(10), 1818–1825.
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Chadwick, A., & Hope, A. (2000). In pursuit of the named nurse. Australasian Journal of Neuroscience, 13(4), 6–9.
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Chenery, K. (2007). Building child health nurses' confidence and competence. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 13(5), 26–38.
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Clendon, J. (2003). Nurse-managed clinics: Issues in evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44(6), 558–565.
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Clendon, J., & Krothe, J. (2004). The nurse-managed clinic: An evaluative study. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 20(2), 15–23.
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Cook, N., Phillips, B. N., & Sadler, D. (2005). The Tidal Model as experienced by patients and nurses in a regional forensic unit. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 15(5), 536–540.
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Fraser, A. G., Williamson, S., Lane, M., & Hollis, B. (2003). Nurse-led dyspepsia clinic using the urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori. Access is free to articles older than 6 months, and abstracts., 116(1176).
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Gage, J., Everrett, K. D., & Bullock, L. (2006). Integrative review of parenting in nursing research. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 56–62.
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Gallagher, P. (2000). An evaluation of a standards based portfolio [Corrected and republished article printed in NURSE EDUC TODAY 2001 Apr; 21(3): 197-200]. Nurse Education Today, 20(3), 218–226.
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Gardner, A., Hase, S., Gardner, G., Dunn, S., & Carryer, J. B. (2008). From competence to capability: A study of nurse practitioners in clinical practice. Author copy available 12 months after publication from QUT ePrints, 17(2), 250–258.
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Giddings, D. L. S., & Grant, B. M. (2007). A Trojan Horse for positivism? A critique of mixed methods research. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(1), 52–60.
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Gohns, A. (2002). Management of opioid substitution treatment in the primary health care setting: A national training course for service providers. Full text online from the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners' website, 29(3), 172–175.
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