Bland, M. F. (2007). Betwixt and between: A critical ethnography of comfort in New Zealand residential aged care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(5), 937–944.
Abstract: This research sought to explore the nature of comfort within the context of three New Zealand nursing homes and examine how nursing and other actions contribute to residents' comfort. A critical ethnographic approach was used and fieldwork included 90 days of participant observation, interviews with 27 residents and 28 staff and extensive document examination. Comfort was multidimensional, idiosyncratic, dynamic and context dependent, rather than merely the absence of discomfort. This multidimensional nature meant residents could be 'betwixt and between' comfort and discomfort simultaneously. The constraints of one-size-fits-all care delivery practices and the tensions inherent in communal living compounded residents' discomfort. The findings show that individualised care, based on comprehensive and accurate nursing assessment, is fundamental to the comfort of residents.
Dulieu, F. (2005). Collaborative practice: A study in bridging the gap to transform the delivery of specialist palliative nursing care in residential aged care facilities.
Abstract: This paper documents a practice development initiative with the aim of formulating a rationale for the professional practice development of a relatively recently conceived nursing initiative; that of a Palliative Care Liaison Nurse (PCLN) role. The project involved conducting an inquiry through a search of the literature with the aim of discovering ways to articulate, then develop, the role to meet the needs of elderly people living in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs), their family and the whanau. The paper initially explores the concept of liaison roles globally, to consider how this role might be located as an interagency position between palliative care and aged care within the context of Aotearoa/New Zealand. The paper then reveals the perceived skills and personal attributes required by a person in the PCLN role that the author, drawing from personal and professional experience of having been appointed to this position, considers are necessary to effectively manage the diverse dimensions of this role. Bridging the gap is a key role discussed which centres on the capacity to organise and present an effective education programme while supporting, encouraging and role modeling for staff providing the day to day nursing care. This role involves practice wisdom and advocating for change and tolerance within everyday practice. An example of this dimension is discussed in depth, because the researcher considers that through staff working together, they can effectively bridge the knowledge-practice gap which exists between specialist palliative and gerontological nursing care.
Foster, S. (2001). The relationship of physical activity to health in elder adulthood. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(12), 24–27.
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of physical activity in the health of older people, in the context of holistic perspectives of elder adulthood and theories of ageing and recent research. The wide ranging role of the gerontologic nurse specialist is explored.
Hammond, S. (2001). Parallel journeys: Perceptions of palliative care. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The delivery of palliative care within contemporary New Zealand society is discussed, in the light of the recent publication of The New Zealand Palliative Care Strategy (2001). The viewpoint taken is largely descriptive rather than prescriptive, being based on a literature survey of international research and academic theory, which is also informed by the author's professionally gained knowledge. Four different perspectives, comprising a mix of providers and recipients of care are investigated: those of central government planning; specialist palliative care units; aged-care complexes; and patients, family and whanau. As an area of healthcare which current demographic projections indicate will become increasingly significant, the provision of palliative care to residents of and patients within aged-care complexes receives special attention. A metaphor of “parallel travellers” on “parallel journeys” is used to provide a thematic basis to the paper. The lived experiences and perceptions of each group of “parallel travellers” are explored. Difficulties in defining and evaluating palliative care, the implications of main-streaming, the scope of palliative care provision, the educative role of specialist palliative care providers and the current focus on mechanistic outcome measures are discussed. It is contended that the values and goals, both explicit and implicit, of the four specified groups may not at present be sufficiently congruent to optimise the effective provision of palliative care from the point of view of all concerned. While adequate resourcing and a genuinely collaborative approach among healthcare providers are both acknowledged to be critical, the potential for palliative care nurse practitioners to be appointed to the role of “care co-ordinator” alluded to within The New Zealand Palliative Care Strategy (2001), is also seen as pivotal. Insights from a postmodern perspective are offered as one possible way of achieving greater congruence.
Kupa, S. (2006). Psychogeriatric nursing: A review of the literature.
Abstract: This paper is a literature review of the psychogeriatric specialty and describes the clinical role, practice and knowledge of the psychogeriatric nurse. Literature reviews provide a useful means for evaluating what is currently known and understood in a particular area of interest to help nurses' build current opinion into practice. Psychogeriatric nursing is a specialised field of practice that focuses on the mental health needs of people over the age of 65 (including younger people who have acquired needs that are similar in 'like' and age and 'interest'). The literature asserts the urgent need to develop the role and practice of the psychogeriatric nurse in order to address the complex needs of our ageing population in areas such as home care, hospitals, primary health, and long term care institutions. The findings highlight aspects of nursing care that are essential to the role and practice of the psychogeriatric nurse. Knowledge that is necessary for best practice in psychogeriatric nursing care is drawn mainly from the field of general psychiatry and gerontology but also from general medicine, psychology, neurology, and disability. Nurses' working with older adults affected by psychogeriatric conditions must possess a broad knowledge of physical and mental health issues that affect the elderly, including also knowledge and understanding of psychosocial risk factors that can also have an impact on the health and behaviour of older people and their carers. Despite these literal assertions however there appears to be a dearth of literature available to support the requirements for developing the psychogeriatric nursing specialty in clinical practice, research, and education. The author notes that authorities in this specialised field of practice generally agree that with an increasing aging population looming in the future more research in the field of “old age psychiatry” will be critical.
Lauder, G. C. (2004). Health in the workplace: An exploration of healthy options for an aged care setting.
Abstract: People working in aged care settings in New Zealand spend approximately 30% of their lives in their workplace. There is a challenge for workplaces to support people to maintain and improve their health status. This project investigated the question: How can workplaces support staff to maintain health in an aged care environment? The project concerned two considerations: primarily what people can do for themselves and how the organisation can assist their interest and maintain their investment in health based activities and secondly what workplaces can do to make the organisations more healthy. The philosophy and the realities of the workplace were reviewed and the project addressed the strategies that could be adopted by the workplace. The study identifies a series of practical activities and outcomes that aged care facilities can undertake for nurses/caregivers or other members of staff working in the workplace. The findings lead to recommendations about healthy outcomes and managing health and creating a positive climate for health within the workplace.
Lidiard, B. (2006). Implementing the Rating Scale for Aggressive Behaviours in the elderly: Can it make a difference to nursing management of aggressive behaviours in elderly patients with dementia? Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The Rating Scale for Aggressive Behaviours in the Elderly (RAGE) is a twenty-one item rating scale, designed specifically to measure aggressive behaviours in the elderly in the psychogeriatric inpatient setting. The purpose of the scale is to qualify the aggressive behaviour, note any changes in the behaviour, and record intervention and/or treatments. This study combines both qualitative and quantitative methods with exploratory and descriptive designs to explore nurses' experiences of using a consistent tool for monitoring, measuring and managing aggressive behaviours. Data gathered over a three month period of implementing RAGE aimed to provide a 'snapshot' of the prevalence, extent and type of aggressive behaviours within the inpatient setting, providing evidence to nurses in developing strategies for the management of aggression. Focus group interviews were used to enable nurses to discuss their experiences of utilising a clinically validated tool in their practice and how this made a difference to their practice. Findings from this research indicate that nurses within the setting found that RAGE is a consistent tool with which nurses can record, measure and monitor aggressive behaviours. Responses from nurses' experiences of utilising RAGE in their practice were varied, with some being unable to articulate how RAGE had made a difference to their practice. Despite this there was an overwhelming positive response for the continued use of RAGE within the setting as a clinically validated tool by which to measure, record and manage aggressive behaviours.
Mearns, G. (2005). Developing autonomous ownership: A grounded theory study of how registered nurses working in aged care are advancing their nursing practice. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The introduction of nurse practitioner registration into New Zealand in 2001 was heralded as a move that would open up a wealth of opportunities for registered nurses to extend their practice into more independent roles and to provide a client-centred health service. It was also seen as a way to retain experienced registered nurses in the clinical practice area by providing a credible clinical career pathway. If nurse practitioner's are to meet these expectations, then, the author suggests, it is important to understand the processes that encourage or discourage nurses from advancing their practice. One of the early scopes of practice to be introduced was nurse practitioner with an endorsement in aged care scope of practice. Grounded theory was the method used to generate an explanation of how registered nurses working in aged care were preparing for the introduction of nurse practitioner roles. An analysis of early data highlighted codes around registered nurses in aged care extending and advancing their practice rather than preparing specifically for the nurse practitioner role. The research question for this study was: 'How are registered nurses in aged care advancing their nursing practice?' Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from ten experienced registered nurses working in aged care clinical practice settings ranging from secondary hospital facilities, to community settings and residential care villages. Dimensional analysis of the data eventually generated three major conceptual categories: 'ownership of nursing', 'extending practice', and 'moving out of a comfort zone'. Of these, 'ownership of nursing' was identified as the core construct that linked the other categories together. The substantive theory that explains how registered nurses in aged care advance their clinical practice is 'developing autonomous ownership'. Nurses who develop autonomous ownership of nursing are more likely than other nurses to move out of a current comfort zone and advance their practice into more independent roles that suit their autonomous ownership of nursing. This study identified important contextual factors and conditions that support the development of an autonomous ownership of nursing and that subsequently facilitate advancing nursing practice. These include creating supportive environments, organisational commitment to advanced nursing practice roles, visible nursing leadership, congruence between organisational and nursing philosophies, interdisciplinary collaboration and participating in postgraduate education. The author suggests that the significance of this study is that it generated a theory about the processes that encourage or discourage nurses from preparing for, and progressing into, advanced nursing practice roles such as nurse practitioner.
Neville, S. J. Delirium in the older adult: A critical gerontological approach. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the discursive production of delirium in people over the age of 65 years. The philosophical approaches underpinning the study were derived from the field of critical gerontology, postmodernism and the utilisation of a Foucauldian understanding of discourse and power/knowledge. Data sources included published documents on delirium, interviews with people over the age of 65 years who had been delirious (as well as their clinical notes), family members, registered nurses and a doctor. Textual analysis revealed the presence of two contesting and contradictory discourses that impacted on being an older person who had delirium. These were identified as the discourse of delirium as a syndrome and a personal discourse of delirium. The discourse of delirium as a syndrome is underpinned by the biomedicalisation of the ageing process. This process utilises scientific methods as the foundation from which to understand, research and provide a health service to older people with delirium. Any personal perspectives on delirium are rendered unimportant and relegated to marginalised positions. Nursing through its vicarious relationship to medicine is interpellated into deploying the discourse of delirium as a syndrome and has largely ignored the personal dimensions associated with this phenomenon. Consequently, the older delirious 'body' is known and inscribed as unruly, problematic, physically unwell, cognitively impaired and at risk. Conversely, a personal discourse of delirium privileges the individual narratives of people who have been delirious and provides a different perspective of delirium. The deployment of a personal discourse of delirium offers another position that views this group of older people as bringing to the health care setting a rich tapestry of life experiences that are more than a cluster of signs and symptoms. It is these varied life experiences that need to be included as a legitimate source of knowledge about delirium. This thesis demonstrates how nursing needs to espouse a critical gerontological position when working with older people who have delirium. Critical gerontology provides nurses with the theoretical tools to challenge the status quo and uncover the multiple, varied, contradictory and complex representations of delirium in older people.
Neville, S. J., & Alpass, F. (1999). Factors influencing health and well-being in the older adult. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 14(3), 36–45.
Abstract: This article offers a literature review of selected factors influencing the health and well-being of older people, with a particular emphasis on the older male. Implications for nursing practice in New Zealand are discussed.
Neville, S. J., & Alpass, F. (2006). Older men and worries: The impact on well-being. Available online from Eastern Institute of Technology, 14(1), 4–7.
Abstract: The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between worries and psychological well-being, and self-rated health in older men. A cross-sectional survey method was used to investigate the research aim. A group of men aged 65 years and over (n = 217), who lived in a small New Zealand city, participated in this study. Results from this research revealed that worries about physical abilities and health were significantly related to a decrease in psychological well-being and self-rated health. Gerontological nurses are challenged to be cognisant of older men's concerns about their health and physical ability.
Oda, K., Bakri, N., Majeed, S., Ferguson, C., Bartlett, S., Holden, R., et al. (2023). Improving nursing oral care practice for care-dependent older adults though inter-professional collaboration: a study protocol. Kaitiaki Nursing Research, 14(1), 50–57.
Abstract: Aims to establish evidence-based oral care guidelines for nurses, in order to improve oral care for dependent adults. Considers how interprofessional collaboration and education (IPC/IPE) might improve nursing oral care practice. Intends to use guidelines in a pilot programme with community nurses caring for older adults living at home or in aged residential care.
Peri, K., Kerse, N., Kiata, L., Wilkinson, T., Robinson, E., Parsons, J., et al. (2008). Promoting independence in residential care: Successful recruitment for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 9(4), 251–256.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to describe the recruitment strategy and association between facility and staff characteristics and success of resident recruitment for the Promoting Independence in Residential Care (PIRC) trial. A global impression of staff willingness to facilitate research was gauged by research nurses, facility characteristics were measured by staff interview. Forty-one (85%) facilities and 682 (83%) residents participated, median age was 85 years (range 65-101), and 74% were women. Participants had complex health problems. Recruitment rates were associated (but did not increase linearly) with the perceived willingness of staff, and were not associated with facility size. Design effects from the cluster recruitment differed according to outcome. The recruitment strategy was successful in recruiting a large sample of people with complex comorbidities and high levels of functional disability despite perceptions of staff reluctance. Staff willingness was related to recruitment success.
Rodgers, V., & Neville, S. J. (2007). Personal autonomy for older people living in residential care: An overview. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 23(1), 29–36.
Abstract: This article looks at the concept of autonomy particularly in relation to the population of older persons living in residential care settings. It examines the values underpinning the exercise of personal autonomy and notes how individual autonomy may be enhanced or restricted. The implications for gerontological nursing practice are outlined and suggestions offered as to how personal autonomy for older persons living in residential care may be preserved and promoted.
Schumacher, A. T. (2001). More than meets the eye: Explicating the essence of gerontology nursing. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological was to unveil a deeper meaning and understanding of gerontology nursing, thus contributing to its value and worth as a speciality area of nursing. Conversations with four gerontology nurses were taped, transcribed and then analysed using van Manen's (1990) approach to researching lived experience. From the analysis, four cardinal elements emerged: true acceptance, personal knowing, being present, and being alive. Those four cardinal elements were reworked and further analysed to reveal three central aspects or essences of gerontology nursing. These essences were the centrality of temporality, the interconnectedness of human relationships, and the significance of the lived body. Temporality is demonstrated by nursing application of objective, or clock time, as well as subjectively in regards to the lived time of the clients. Interconnectedness is the lived human relationship between nurse and client and is represented by commitment, presencing/giving of self, connecting, and knowing the client holistically. The third essence is corporeality, which is portrayed by the gerontology nurses' distinguishing characteristics and their perception of the lived body of the nursed. The final analysis unveiled caring for the body, the act of seeing, and the joy of care as emergent essences of gerontology nursing. Language of nursing in relationship to 'basic nursing care' is critiqued for its potential to devalue gerontology nursing and, by association, old people.