Burrow, M., Gilmour, J., & Cook, C. (2017). Healthcare assistants and aged residential care: A challenging policy and contractual environment. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 33(2), http://www.nursingpraxis.org.
Abstract: Examines NZ policy and care demands in aged residential care. Maintains that registered nurses need to understand the socio-political, economic and educational factors that influence care delivery in aged residential care. Presents an overview of the current role of healthcare assistants (HCAs)in aged residential care, based on a review of the existing grey literature, current national policy, DHB contract agreements and NZNO collective agreements.
Kussmaul, J. (2020). An investigation of occupational health and safety workplaces and working conditions in comparison to nursing care quality in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) in New Zealand. Doctoral thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland. Retrieved December 23, 2024, from http://hdl.handle.net/2292/50165
Abstract: Identifies critical factors related to the occupational health and safety of workplaces and working conditions in residential aged-care facilities (RACF), from the perspective of nursing staff. Correlates quality indicators for occupational health and safety for workplaces and in working conditions with nursing care quality based on the InterRAI Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAP). Uses a mixed-method approach to conduct an audit of workplace health and safety and environmental conditions in 17 RACFs. Surveys 398 registered nurses (RN), enrolled nurses (EN), and Healthcare Assistants (HCA) about the mental and physical stressors in their work.