(2001). Dementia care: A literature review. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(13), 33–36.
Abstract: This article defines dementia, and explores recent trends in relation to why it is such a misunderstood condition in the health care setting. Within a theoretical framework of literature development, nurse client relationships, and quality of care and attitudes are analysed. Gaps, inconsistencies and consistencies are outlined, with the implications for nursing practice and education explored.
Alavi, C. (2005). Breaking-in bodies: Teaching, nursing, initiations or what's love got to do with it? Contemporary Nurse, 18(3), 292–299.
Abstract: This paper discusses how students become able to work with sick patients for whom they may feel disgust or discomfort. It is a sustained engagement with the literature on abjection and disgust and is not the outcome of evaluation research. It considers the role of problem-based learning pedagogy in facilitating students' negotiation of their own discomfort and horror, and describes experiences which enable them to approach abject patients with more comfort and less disgust. The paper argues the importance of creating spaces where students can explore issues which are distressing and disturbing so that they will feel able to remain in nursing.
Baker, K. O. (2006). A journey: Experienced respiratory nurses working with patients with chronic breathlessness. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Respiratory nursing has, as a core clinical concern, the alleviation of distress and suffering associated with respiratory disease. This research describes the ways in which experienced New Zealand respiratory nurses understand, assess, manage and support patients suffering from chronic breathlessness. It reviews the professional context in which these nurses practice, and examines the experiences and beliefs that have lead them to, and maintain them in, this area of practice. This study has been stimulated by the realisation that the skills, understandings and practice wisdom exhibited by experienced Respiratory Nurses is poorly described in the published research literature. This qualitative, grounded theory research is based upon data gathered from in-depth interviews with six experienced New Zealand respiratory nurses. A constructivist research position is adopted. Analysis of these interviews revealed distinct phases of developing respiratory nurse practice including preparing and entering respiratory nursing practice, comprehension of the phenomena of chronic breathlessness and the effect upon the patient and the seeking of possibilities which may alleviate and modify the debilitating effects of chronic breathlessness. Consistent values and beliefs are identified, which are captured in the concepts of professional caring and the movement towards developing expertise in practice. The unifying concept of journeying is employed to draw together these conceptual elements and develop a substantive model describing the work of experienced respiratory nurses with patients with chronic breathlessness. Implications for practice and the health system, and suggestions for further research, are discussed.
Beaton, T. (2004). Postnatal depression: Four women's experiences of care from a nurse. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Postnatal depression is a term used loosely to describe disorders of mood and distressing symptoms for women in the postpartum, yet it has its own distinct symptoms. It is thought to affect between 10 and 20 percent of new mothers in New Zealand. In order to deliver effective nursing care that has a positive impact on the health of women who experience postnatal depression, nurses need knowledge and theory to underpin practice. This study explores the experience of four women who experienced postnatal depression and the care they received from a nurse. A postmodern feminist position informed the research project. Women became actively involved in a focus group to explore their experiences. A thematic analysis of the focus group transcripts revealed the women's experiences of care from nurses and health professionals as not always helpful. The themes that arose from the analysis were knowledge, perception, care and self. Knowledge examined the women's and significant others' knowledge of postnatal depression as well as women's own knowledge of themselves. Perception identified the women's beliefs of and views on mental illness, as well as their expectations of motherhood. Care as a concept was examined as to how it was provided by nurses. This encompassed a lack of care and, in contrast, supportive care as impacting on the women's individual experiences. Self described the experiences of a loss of self as women experienced their distress in the postpartum, and that a regaining of self was identified by women as difficult, and this is where they required support. The themes are discussed and critiqued with literature that identifies the nursing role with women who experience postnatal depression. There are recommendations for ongoing research and development of the nursing role in order to promote the health and wellbeing of women in the postpartum.
Bland, M. F. (2002). Patient observation in nursing home research: Who was that masked woman? [corrected] [published erratum appears in Contemporary Nurse 2002 Apr; 12(2): 135]. Contemporary Nurse, 12(1), 42–48.
Abstract: This article discusses the issues that one nurse researcher faced during participant observation in three New Zealand nursing homes. These include the complexity of the nurse researcher role, the blurring of role boundaries, and various ethical concerns that arose, including the difficulties of ensuring that all those who were involved in the study were kept informed as to the researcher's role and purpose. Strategies used to maintain ethical and role integrity are outlined, with further debate and discussion around fieldwork issues and experiences for nurse researchers called for.
Blockley, C., & Alterio, M. (2008). Patients' experiences of interpersonal relationships during first time acute hospitalisation. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 24(2 (Jul)), p16–26.
Abstract: Examines the role of interpersonal relationships on patients' experiences during first time acute hospitalisation. Involving 12 first time acute medical and surgical admission patients, it was developed from a wider study exploring patients' overall experiences. Using a qualitative methodology with data collected by means of personal stories and semi-structured interviews findings suggest that patient vulnerability is reduced through supportive interpersonal relationships and that it is nurses who play a key role in developing and maintaining these relationships with patients.
Bray, Y. M. (2004). A migrant family's experience of palliative nursing care. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The focus of this research was to explore the migrant family's experience in palliative care. In writing this thesis, the author notes that it became evident that cultural safety was a connection that warranted further study in relation to end-of-life nursing care as was illustrated by the intergenerational case study of this migrant family in New Zealand. The use of the case study method of qualitative research enabled the voice of the migrant to be heard and the story of the migrant family's experience to be showcased. The uniqueness of this family's palliative care experience was around the religious and cultural needs and migration as a process of transition from a previous society to a new one. Palliative care was defined by the family approach with strong community support and empowered by culturally safe and appropriate nursing practice. End-of-life illness is a time when cultural perspectives are challenged for patients and their families and religious and cultural practices take on a new priority, regardless of how they have lived life previously. As a migrant nurse living and working in the New Zealand context, the author identifies as an important factor, the nurse-patient interaction as an encounter between two cultural perspectives, the patient's and the nurse as bearer of her own culture. Acknowledging this factor is an important step in developing a culturally safe approach to practice, an approach that proved to be a major ingredient in planning and caring for this patient and his family in end-of-life illness. This study and thesis explores the underpinnings of culturally safe palliative nursing care and identified 'reflexive bracketing' as a useful practice in the process.
Carryer, J. B. (2001). Embodied largeness: A significant women's health issue. Nursing Inquiry, 8(2), 90–97.
Abstract: This paper describes a three-year long research project in which nine large-bodied women have engaged in a prolonged dialogue with the researcher about the experience of being 'obese'. The study involved an extensive review of the multidisciplinary literature that informs our understandings of body size. The literature review was shared with participants in order to support their critical understanding of their experience. The experience of participants raised questions as to how nursing could best provide health-care for large women. An examination of a wide range of literature pertinent to the area of study reveals widespread acceptance of the notion that to be thin is to be healthy and virtuous, and to be fat is to be unhealthy and morally deficient. According to the literature review, nurses have perpetuated an unhelpful and reductionist approach to their care of large women, in direct contradiction to nursing's supposed allegiance to a holistic approach to health-care. This paper suggests strategies for an improved response to women who are concerned about their large body size.
Casey, G. (2000). Conditional expertise in chronic illness. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Cavanagh, C. (2004). Dignity and palliative care: A search to discover the true meaning of the concept of “dying with dignity”.
Abstract: This paper presents an exploration of a foundational goal of palliative care nursing which is to help patients die with dignity. The paper presents this practice exploration as a journey to gain understanding of the concept of dignity; the author notes that it does not avoid the difficulties encountered in practice situations because dying with dignity is unique and curiously also invisible and different for everyone. Much of human life is conducted through stories and much of nursing involves telling and listening to stories. Many of our social institutions are comprised almost entirely of opportunities for telling and retelling stories. Nurses are constantly listening to patients telling them what is going on in their lives and because of this the stories related here are written bold and raw. The three stories explore and reveal in-depth details of nursing practice that evolved and changed after reflection. The paper also reveals and explores the untold and often painful stories that challenge nurses' capacity to offer dignified care. To deepen the exploration towards discovering ways to articulate the complexity of dignity, the author reflected on the nature of the practice changes documented in the stories and then used a range of diverse literature and her love of the paintings and philosophy of a New Zealander, Ralph Hotere, to support her ideas that dignity is indeed a complex phenomenon.
Chadwick, A., & Hope, A. (2000). In pursuit of the named nurse. Australasian Journal of Neuroscience, 13(4), 6–9.
Abstract: This paper outlines the project outcomes, benefits, impact and constraints of introducing the named nurse concept to a neuro-services department. The concept of the named nurse was first introduced in the UK, in 1992, with the aim of supporting the partnership in care between the patient and the nurse. The evidence for the effectiveness of introducing the named nurse concept is largely anecdotal. In line with the hospital wide policy of implementing the named nurse concept at Auckland Hospital, a six-month pilot study was undertaken within the Neuro-services Department. The aims of the study were to foster a partnership in care with patients / whanau and the multidisciplinary team, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of nursing care, and to contribute to continuous quality improvement. The results highlighted that, in theory, the named nurse concept would be effective in providing quality co-ordinated care, however factors were identified that hindered the effectiveness of its implementation. Therefore, further development of the concept was required.
Clayton, J. R. (2008). Exploring transitions: Working in “the space between the no longer and the not yet”. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This thesis uncovers a personal journey of reflective practice, focusing on the author's emerging role as a nurse facilitating transitions using a dialectical approach in the context of a private nursing practice. Transitions encompass: life changes, loss, and adjustment to changes in function. Dialectical nurse facilitation of transition (DNFT) is a way of exploring self in the transitional space between “the no longer and the not yet”. In this facilitated process people potentially discover paradoxes, tensions, and creative energy, as they search for a way forward. The research design details a dialectical heuristic quest through journaling and reflecting on practice supervision and peer review, over a two year period. Exemplars written after reflecting on case notes reveal the lived experiences of participants. These case reviews show the complexity of patterns for people undergoing transitions and nurse facilitation. A relational pattern for DNFT encompasses compassionate engagement, catalytic mirroring, and interconnectedness. An exploration of literature encompasses nursing theories, facilitation, dialogue, loss, grief, spirituality and transition. This thesis provides a basis for evaluative research on the effectiveness of DNFT in health care settings in the future. Discussions regarding the expansion of these reflective and praxis genres are included which may be of interest to nursing education and practice contexts.
Cleary, H. (2001). Caring and bioethics: Perspectives, predicaments and possibilities. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This thesis presents an explorative study of the place of caring in bioethics. Through the examination of various sources of literature from the disciplines of nursing, feminist theory and ethics, and bioethics, a case is developed that argues for a valid respected place for caring, as an ethic of care in bioethical decision-making. The case is built by providing evidence to support the fundamental importance of caring to human life, health, relationships, and survival at the broad societal level. This is presented from the feminist and nursing perspectives, along with a critique of the negative aspects of caring practices. The next stage of the case presents a layout of the discipline of bioethics, using an historical perspective to illuminate the influences of bioethics' deep past, as it still affects the discipline in the present. The development of contemporary bioethics' current status is presented along with critiques from bioethicists themselves, and nursing and feminist theory and ethics. In the case at this point, from a bioethical perspective, two major predicaments appear to prevent an ethic of care obtaining a valid place in ethical decision-making in bioethics. These are the justice/care duality, and the conflict between different conceptions of care and autonomy. The bioethical objections and arguments put forward regarding these predicaments are examined and refuted, and the author suggests a case is established for the inclusion of an ethic of care in bioethical decision-making.
Cleaver, H. (2005). Reflections on knowing, not knowing and being in palliative care nursing. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The author notes that responses to questions from dying people and their families are as individual as each nurse, patient, family member, or situation. This is well recognised and an unspoken truth in palliative care practice. This paper explores the subjective nature of knowledge in palliative care generated through capturing moments of practice and subsequent reflections. This demonstrates how the author uses her model of care to open a space that enables the person and their family to find meaning from their experience and articulate what they need at the time. The author identifies her interest in the paradoxical reality of knowing and not knowing and describes how that paradox contributes to her role in supporting individuals' needs within their realities.
Connor, M. (2002). Sharing the burden of strife in chronic illness: A praxiological study of nursing practice in a community context. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This inquiry is an in-depth exploration of one middle aged woman's experience of strife in chronic illness and her nursing care involving four nurses (including the author) in a community context over a three-year period. The study is praxiological in that the understanding achieved is derived from practice within a 'research as praxis' methodology positioned in the disciplinary perspective of nursing as a practical human science. Five methodological premises inform the research processes: reflexivity, dialogue, moral comportment, re-presentation in narrative and critique. They emanate from an eclectic ontological praxiology based on the research framework constructed from Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics, components of other philosophical praxiologies evolved from an exploration of the practical discourse in philosophy and my preferred health and nursing assumptions. The research processes include researcher journalling, a summary of Sarah's nursing record and dialogical meetings with Sarah and the nurse co-participants. Using the research material a narrative is then co-constructed. The narrative is structured around what Sarah viewed as the overall nursing contribution to her care; the 'sharing of her burden of illness'. This, she maintained, enabled her to live safely in the community. Finally there occurs a critique of the narrative within a discursive framework. Three themes, embedded in particular discourses, emerged from the narrative both in Sarah's and the nurses' experience; paradox, moral meaning and metaphor. Sarah's experience is interpreted as taking place in the 'in-between space' of the disease and health-illness discourses. Two main concepts which depict the tension experienced in this space are the 'the ontological assault of illness' and 'entrapment in the disease discourse'. The nurses, in this instance, 'pushed the boundaries' to create a space for the nursing as a caring practice discourse on the margins of nursing as a functional service discourse. The author notes that, within the nursing as a caring practice space, many 'fine lines' were walked with Sarah. Walking the 'fine line' of an 'intense relationship' was seen as advanced nursing practice. The research highlights important implications for a person and/or families who live with chronic illness and practice and educational issues for advanced nurse practitioners. Further, it promotes praxiological methodologies as advantageous for expanding nursing knowledge.