Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Adams, Sue |
Nurse practitioners in rural primary health care in New Zealand : an institutional ethnography |
2017 |
372 p. |
Adams, Sue; Boyd, Michal; Carryer, Jenny; Bareham, Corinne; Tenbensel, Tim |
A survey of the NP workforce in primary healthcare settings in New Zealand. |
2020 |
New Zealand Medical Journal |
133 |
29-40 |
Adams, Sue; Carryer, Jenny; Wilkinson, Jillian Ann |
Institutional ethnography : an emerging approach for health and nursing research |
2015 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
31 |
18-26 |
Adams, Sue; Oster, Sandy; Davis, Josephine |
The training and education of nurse practitioners in Aotearoa New Zealand: Time for nationwide refresh [editorial] |
2022 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
38 |
1-4 |
Alcorn, G. |
The youth health specialty in New Zealand: Collaborative practice and future development |
2007 |
New Zealand Family Physician |
34 |
162-167 |
Betts, J.A. |
Establishing and evaluating a nurse practitioner leg ulcer clinic: The journey |
2005 |
Bryson, L.W. |
Nurse-led heart failure services: A review of the literature |
2006 |
Carryer, J.B.; Boyd, M. |
The myth of medical liability for nursing practice |
2003 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
19 |
4-12 |
Carryer, J.B.; Gardner, G.; Dunn, S.; Gardner, A. |
The core role of the nurse practitioner: Practice, professionalism and clinical leadership |
2007 |
Journal of Clinical Nursing |
16 |
1818-1825 |
Davies, M. |
Lived experiences of nurses as they engage in practice at an advanced level within emergency departments in New Zealand |
2005 |
Diers, D. |
“Noses and eyes”: Nurse practitioners in New Zealand |
2008 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
24 |
4-10 |
Gagan, M.J.; Boyd, M.; Wysocki, K.; and Williams, D.J. |
The first decade of nurse practitioners in New Zealand: A survey of an evolving practice |
2014 |
Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners |
26 |
612-619 |
Gardner, A.; Hase, S.; Gardner, G.; Dunn, S.; Carryer, J.B. |
From competence to capability: A study of nurse practitioners in clinical practice |
2008 |
Journal of Clinical Nursing |
17 |
250-258 |
Gardner, G.; Dunn, S.; Carryer, J.B.; Gardner, A. |
Competency and capability: Imperative for nurse practitioner education |
2006 |
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing |
24 |
8-14 |
Gubb, Alicia |
Rural nurse practitioner role to improve outcomes for Thames-Coromandel community |
2020 |
115 p. |