Crossan, M., Honey, M., Wearn, A., & Barrow, M. (2022). Fundamentals of care in pre-registration nursing curricula: Results of a national survey. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 38(2). Retrieved December 23, 2024, from www.nursingpraxis.org
Abstract: Argues that the Fundamentals of Care (FOC) conceptual framework is essential for nursing schools to teach and on which to assess nursing students for clinical competency. Provides a national overview of undergraduate pre-registration nursing curricula in NZ, exploring what and how schools of nursing teach and assess FoC. Distributes a cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire to course coordinators between 2019 and 2020, revealing variations in how FOC is taught and the lack of standardisation in course design. Highlights the opportunity for the Nursing Council to develop a national, evidenced-based FOC educational strategy.
Horsburgh, M. (2000). Quality in undergraduate nursing programmes: The role of Nursing Council. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 15(2), 25–37.
Abstract: This paper looks broadly at issues to do with quality monitoring in higher education and considers the role and focus of the Nursing Council of New Zealand in the approval of and ongoing monitoring of undergraduate nursing degree programmes. It is suggested that the approach taken by the Nursing Council is accountability led where minimal attention is given to teaching and learning and actual graduate outcomes. This may lead to a mistaken belief that Nursing Council's monitoring focuses on quality or that the outcomes of their monitoring might contribute to programme enhancement. A shift to emphasise learning processes, students and continual improvement in order to enhance programme quality is proposed.
Woods, M. (2002). Dissecting a brave new nursing world. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 8(10), 20–22, 36.
Abstract: This article critiques the 'Strategic Review of Undergraduate Education' commissioned by the Nursing Council. The premise of the review is examined, along with the foundations of nursing practice and the role of nursing education.