Blanchard, D. L. (2006). Developing the place and role of family within the culture of critical care nursing: An action research approach. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This research examines how nurses negotiate the context of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) while working with families. The action research described in this thesis developed through a series of meetings and conversations where the conversations supported the reflexive intent of the research. In commissioning the research, the design of the meetings and conversations were as a series of overlapping actions. Data collection and data analysis occurred in the action research by meetings, reflective conversations, ad libitum observations, and in a research journal. Conceptual maps explain the progress and findings of the research in this thesis while categories distilled from the conversations also support the findings in the research. The Family Action Research Group that was established within this project proposed a Family Assessment Form for the family to provide an assessment of themselves and the patient. Implementing this assessment tool demonstrated that clear information was needed for the family in the ICU. Findings in this research focus on developing action research and family care in ICU. Findings also focused on the role of the researcher being of and not being of the context where action research is undertaken. Recommendations include staff examining relationships for potential asymmetries and seeking ways to address these to support families and staff. Suggested strategies for developing action research in a clinical context include detailed planning, clear focusing, transparency of data, and working to explain change initiatives through the research are also included.
Bland, M. F. (2002). Patient observation in nursing home research: Who was that masked woman? [corrected] [published erratum appears in Contemporary Nurse 2002 Apr; 12(2): 135]. Contemporary Nurse, 12(1), 42–48.
Abstract: This article discusses the issues that one nurse researcher faced during participant observation in three New Zealand nursing homes. These include the complexity of the nurse researcher role, the blurring of role boundaries, and various ethical concerns that arose, including the difficulties of ensuring that all those who were involved in the study were kept informed as to the researcher's role and purpose. Strategies used to maintain ethical and role integrity are outlined, with further debate and discussion around fieldwork issues and experiences for nurse researchers called for.
Butcher, D., & Hales, C. (2023). Ensuring doctoral research is relevant to the international nursing community. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 39(2). Retrieved December 22, 2024, from http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.36951/001c.91265
Abstract: Argues that nurses undertaking doctoral research have a responsibility to ensure their research engages with international nursing research and is relevant post-doctorally. Distinguishes between the purpose of PhDs and Professional Doctorates. Finds that nursing doctoral graduates are impeded from assuming leading roles in funded research. Attempts to find ways to address this challenge, suggesting that remote attendance at conferences and Internet communication with nurse researchers overseas encourages an international perspective on nursing topics. Backgrounds the establishment of an international nursing research community between Oxford Brookes University in the UK and Victoria University of Wellington in NZ.
Clear, G. M., & Carryer, J. B. (2001). Shadow dancing in the wings: Lesbian women talk about health care. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 17(3), 27–39.
Abstract: A participatory approach, grounded in both critical social and feminist research, was used in this study of seven women who claim being lesbian as part of their identity. With the objective of providing information to enhance safe care provision for this marginalised group, the study explored factors which hindered or facilitated these women's sense of safety related to health care. The findings indicate that barriers to receiving health care exist for these women. As there is little local or international research on lesbians and healthcare, this work offers a starting place for future New Zealand nursing research involving lesbians. The authors encourage other nurses to explore previously ignored sections of our society in order to strive for safety for all those whom nursing serves.
Connor, M. (2002). Sharing the burden of strife in chronic illness: A praxiological study of nursing practice in a community context. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This inquiry is an in-depth exploration of one middle aged woman's experience of strife in chronic illness and her nursing care involving four nurses (including the author) in a community context over a three-year period. The study is praxiological in that the understanding achieved is derived from practice within a 'research as praxis' methodology positioned in the disciplinary perspective of nursing as a practical human science. Five methodological premises inform the research processes: reflexivity, dialogue, moral comportment, re-presentation in narrative and critique. They emanate from an eclectic ontological praxiology based on the research framework constructed from Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics, components of other philosophical praxiologies evolved from an exploration of the practical discourse in philosophy and my preferred health and nursing assumptions. The research processes include researcher journalling, a summary of Sarah's nursing record and dialogical meetings with Sarah and the nurse co-participants. Using the research material a narrative is then co-constructed. The narrative is structured around what Sarah viewed as the overall nursing contribution to her care; the 'sharing of her burden of illness'. This, she maintained, enabled her to live safely in the community. Finally there occurs a critique of the narrative within a discursive framework. Three themes, embedded in particular discourses, emerged from the narrative both in Sarah's and the nurses' experience; paradox, moral meaning and metaphor. Sarah's experience is interpreted as taking place in the 'in-between space' of the disease and health-illness discourses. Two main concepts which depict the tension experienced in this space are the 'the ontological assault of illness' and 'entrapment in the disease discourse'. The nurses, in this instance, 'pushed the boundaries' to create a space for the nursing as a caring practice discourse on the margins of nursing as a functional service discourse. The author notes that, within the nursing as a caring practice space, many 'fine lines' were walked with Sarah. Walking the 'fine line' of an 'intense relationship' was seen as advanced nursing practice. The research highlights important implications for a person and/or families who live with chronic illness and practice and educational issues for advanced nurse practitioners. Further, it promotes praxiological methodologies as advantageous for expanding nursing knowledge.
Crawford, R. (2019). Using focused ethnography in nursing research. Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 10(1), 63–67.
Abstract: Details how the author employed focused ethnography in her doctoral research to investigate nurses' and parents' experience of emotional communication in the context of a children's unit of a regional hospital in NZ. Interviews 10 parents and 10 nurses after the children were discharged. Validates the ethnographic method as a means of inspecting the hidden as well as observable aspects of nurse-parent interaction.
Darbyshire, P. (2008). 'Never mind the quality, feel the width': The nonsense of 'quality', 'excellence', and 'audit' in education, health and research. Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, 15(1), 35–41.
Abstract: The author contends that health care and education have been colonised by 'The Audit Society' and managerialism. It is argued that under the benign guise of 'improving quality' and 'ensuring value for money' a more Orwellian purpose operates. Academics had to be transformed into a workforce of 'docile bodies', willing to scrutinise and survey themselves and their 'performance' as outcome deliverers and disciples of the new 'Qualispeak'. This paper critiques the current obsession with audit and performativity, and the constant and often pointless 'change' that is held to be so self-evidently 'a good thing' and identifies policy discussion as a linguistic wasteland.
Drake, M. (2004). The sonata form of musical composition as a framework for thesis writing. Contemporary Nurse, 16(3), 252–258.
Abstract: This article introduces an innovation in writing master's level research and suggests that other structures may offer new and different frameworks for reporting nursing research. This is exemplified by reference to an example of nursing research which adopted the sonata form of musical composition as the framework for presentation of the thesis.
Gage, J., & Hornblow, A. R. (2007). Development of the New Zealand nursing workforce: Historical themes and current challenges. Nursing Inquiry, 14(4), 330–334.
Abstract: This article reviews the development of the New Zealand nursing workforce, which has been shaped by social, political, scientific and interprofessional forces. The unregulated, independent and often untrained nurses of the early colonial period were succeeded in the early 1900s by registered nurses, with hospital-based training, working in a subordinate role to medical practitioners. In the mid/late 1900s, greater specialisation within an expanding workforce, restructuring of nursing education, health sector reform, and changing social and political expectations again reshaped nursing practice. Nursing now has areas of increasing autonomy, expanding opportunities for postgraduate education and leadership roles, and a relationship with medicine, which is more collaborative than in the past. Three current challenges are identified for nursing in New Zealand's rapidly evolving health sector; development of a nursing-focused knowledge culture, strengthening of research capacity, and dissemination of new nursing knowledge.
Gage, J., Everrett, K. D., & Bullock, L. (2006). Integrative review of parenting in nursing research. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 56–62.
Abstract: The authors synthesise and critically analyse parenting research in nursing. They focused on studies published between 1993 and 2004 by nurse researchers in peer-reviewed journals. Data were organised and analysed with a sample of 17 nursing research studies from core nursing journals. The majority of parenting research has been focused on mothers, primarily about parenting children with physical or developmental disabilities. Research about fathers as parents is sparse. Parenting across cultures, parenting in the context of family, and theoretical frameworks for parenting research are not well developed. The authors conclude that the scope of nursing research on parenting is limited.
Gaskin, C. J., O'Brien, A. P., & Hardy, D. J. (2003). The development of a professional practice audit questionnaire for mental health nursing in Aotearoa/New Zealand. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12(4), 259–270.
Abstract: This paper reports the three-stage development of a professional practice audit questionnaire for mental health nursing in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In Study 1, clinical indicator statements (n = 99) generated from focus group data, which were considered to be unobservable in the nursing documentation in consumer case notes, were included in a three-round Delphi process. Consensus of ratings occurred for the mental health nurse and academic participants (n = 7) on 83 clinical indicator statements. In Study 2, the clinical indicator statements (n = 67) that met importance and consensus criteria were incorporated into a questionnaire, which was piloted at a New Zealand mental health service. The questionnaire was then modified for use in a national field study. In Study 3, the national field study, registered mental health nurses (n = 422) from 11 New Zealand district health board mental health services completed the questionnaire. Five categories of nursing practice were identified: professional and evidence-based practice; consumer focus and reflective practice; professional development and integration; ethically and legally safe practice; and culturally safe practice. Analyses revealed little difference in the perceptions of nurses from different backgrounds regarding the regularity of the nursing practices. Further research is needed to calibrate the scores on each clinical indicator statement with behaviour in clinical practice.
Giddings, D. L. S. (2006). Mixed-methods research: Positivism dressed in drag. Journal of Research in Nursing, 11(3), 195–203.
Abstract: The author critiques the claim that mixed method research is a third methodology, and the implied belief that the mixing of qualitative and quantitative methods will produce the 'best of both worlds'. The author suggests that this assumption, combined with inherent promises of inclusiveness, takes on a reality and certainty in research findings that serves well the powerful nexus of economic restraint and evidence-based practice. The author argues that the use of the terms 'qualitative' and 'quantitative' as normative descriptors reinforces their binary positioning, effectively marginalising the methodological diversity within them. Ideologically, mixed methods covers for the continuing hegemony of positivism, albeit in its more moderate, postpositivist form. If naively interpreted, mixed methods could become the preferred approach in the teaching and doing of research. The author concludes that rather than the promotion of more co-operative and complex designs for increasingly complex social and health issues, economic and administrative pressures may lead to demands for the 'quick fix' that mixed methods appears to offer.
Giddings, D. L. S., & Grant, B. M. (2007). A Trojan Horse for positivism? A critique of mixed methods research. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(1), 52–60.
Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of mixed methods research, which the authors suggest is captured by a pragmatically inflected form of post-positivism. Although it passes for an alternative methodological movement that purports to breach the divide between qualitative and quantitative research, most mixed methods studies favour the forms of analysis and truth finding associated with positivism. The authors anticipate a move away from exploring more philosophical questions or undertaking modes of enquiry that challenge the status quo. At the same time, they recognise that mixed methods research offers particular strengths and that, although it serves as a Trojan Horse for positivism, it may productively carry other paradigmatic passengers.
Howie, L. (2008). Contextualised nursing practice. In Jean Ross (Ed.), Rural nursing: Aspects of practice (pp. 33-49). [Dunedin]: Rural Health Opportunities.
Abstract: This is the first of three chapters that describe nursing practice. The author presents the Rural Framework Wheel to elaborate aspects of the rural context. The Framework comprises four systems which describe aspects of rurality; being are socio-cultural, occupational, ecological, and health. These systems each comprise of subsystems, which provide a detailed analysis of the way nursing practice is particular in diverse rural settings. The Framework is presented as a work in progress, and is grounded in international nursing literature. It highlights rural nursing as a unique and challenging field, with the dominant themes of partnership and nursing emerging as underpinning the practice when nurses live and work in small, sometimes isolated communities.
Jonsdottir, H., Litchfield, M., & Pharris, M. (). The relational core of nursing practice as partnership. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(3), 241–250.
Abstract: This article elaborates the meaning of partnership in practice for nurses practising in different and complementary way to nurses in specialist roles and medical practitioners. It positions partnership as the relational core of nursing practice. Partnership is presented as an evolving dialogue between nurse and patient, which is characterised by open, caring, mutually responsive and non-directive approaches. This partnership occurs within a health system that is dominated by technologically-driven, prescriptive, and outcome-oriented approaches. It is the second of a series of articles written as a partnership between nurse scholars from Iceland, NZ and USA.