Bogati, R., & Pirret, A. (2021). Loneliness among older people living in long-term care settings in a metropolitan city in Aotearoa New Zealand. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 37(2). Retrieved December 22, 2024, from www.nursingpraxis.org
Abstract: Correlates reduced social networks, depression, physical disability, and functional dependence with loneliness in long-term care facilities in NZ. Uses a correlational research design and a convenience sample of 36 older peopl,e with a mean age of 81, from four long-term care facilities in a metropolitan city, to assess functional independence, perceived health and well-being, depression, and levels of loneliness. Suggests that nurses working in such settings should consider and assess loneliness in their care plans for older people.
Meza, J., & Kushner, B. (2017). An exploration of autonomy and independence among community. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 33(2), http://www.nursingpraxis.org.
Abstract: Conducts interviews with five adults, aged 85 or over, to discover how they expressed and negotiated independence and autonomy in their daily lives, and when in contact with the health-care system. Aims to provide health-care professionals with information regarding independence, autonomy and decision-making when caring for older adults. Groups the findings into three themes: independence, past and present; autonomy and decision-making; and health. Provides evidence of older adults living self-determined lives.
Moana, B., Crawford, R., & Isaac, D. (2017). Discussing sexual health with older clients: are primary health care nurses sufficiently prepared? Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, (24), 63–67.
Abstract: Reports some findings of a study which examined primary health care (PHC) nurses' preparedness for engaging older adults in conversation about sexual health research. Examines the experiences and beliefs of PHC nurses working with older clients. Conducts three focus groups with 16 participants who discussed their experiences, values and perceptions of conversations on sexual health with older clients.
Oda, K., Bakri, N., Majeed, S., Ferguson, C., Bartlett, S., Holden, R., et al. (2023). Improving nursing oral care practice for care-dependent older adults though inter-professional collaboration: a study protocol. Kaitiaki Nursing Research, 14(1), 50–57.
Abstract: Aims to establish evidence-based oral care guidelines for nurses, in order to improve oral care for dependent adults. Considers how interprofessional collaboration and education (IPC/IPE) might improve nursing oral care practice. Intends to use guidelines in a pilot programme with community nurses caring for older adults living at home or in aged residential care.
Patel, R. (2021). Patient safety of older adults with cognitive impairment: Evaluation of a service improvement initiative. Master's thesis, Victoria University, Wellington. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from https://figshare.com/articles/thesis/Patient_Safety_of_Older_Adults_with_Cognitive_Impairment_Evaluation_of_a_Service_Improvement_Initiative/14214473 Victoria University of Wellington
Abstract: Assesses the impact of environmental changes on patient reportable events (falls and aggression) in older persons' wards, using the Kings Fund Healing the Healthy Environment tool to make small changes to a ward environment in order to create a more 'dementia-friendly' setting. Conducts a comparative analysis of incidents in the wards. Obtains staff perspectives on the changes, which included large-face clocks, identifiction of bed spaces, lavender oil diffusion, and viewing gardens.