Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Adams, Sue |
Nurse practitioners in rural primary health care in New Zealand : an institutional ethnography |
2017 |
372 p. |
Adams, Sue; Boyd, Michal; Carryer, Jenny; Bareham, Corinne; Tenbensel, Tim |
A survey of the NP workforce in primary healthcare settings in New Zealand. |
2020 |
New Zealand Medical Journal |
133 |
29-40 |
Adams, Sue; Oster, Sandy; Davis, Josephine |
The training and education of nurse practitioners in Aotearoa New Zealand: Time for nationwide refresh [editorial] |
2022 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
38 |
1-4 |
Adams-Smith, P.H. |
An exploration of issues of primary health services for Taranaki Te Atiawa children based on the expectations and perceptions of their female caregivers |
2002 |
Alcorn, G. |
The youth health specialty in New Zealand: Collaborative practice and future development |
2007 |
New Zealand Family Physician |
34 |
162-167 |
Alcorn, G. |
Giving voice to school nursing as a primary health care specialty |
2001 |
Armstrong, S.E. |
Exploring the nursing reality of the sole on-call primary health care rural nurse interface with secondary care doctors |
2008 |
Jean Ross (Ed.), Rural nursing: Aspects of practice (pp. 225-46) |
Bailey, A.M. |
The New Zealand practice nurse in the primary health environment of the 21st century |
2004 |
Cameron, Megan |
Evaluation report of a postgraduate specialty programme: is a specialty nursing qualification delivering what it says it does? |
2017 |
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal |
37-45 |
Cavit, Larisa |
Exploring factors that influence vaccination uptake for children with refugee backgrounds: An interpretive descriptive study of primary healthcare providers' perspectives |
2021 |
160 p. |
Clendon, J. |
Demonstrating outcomes in a nurse-led clinic: How primary health care nurses make a difference to children and their families |
2004 |
Contemporary Nurse |
18 |
164-176 |
Clendon, J.; Krothe, J. |
The nurse-managed clinic: An evaluative study |
2004 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
20 |
15-23 |
Clendon, J.; White, G.E. |
The feasibility of a nurse practitioner-led primary health care clinic in a school setting: A community needs analysis |
2001 |
Journal of Advanced Nursing |
34 |
171-178 |
Clendon, Jill (and others) |
Nurse perceptions of the diabetes Get Checked Programme |
2013 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
29 |
18-30 |
Clissold, C. |
How discourses stifle the Primary Health Care Strategy's intent to reduce health inequalities |
2006 |