Barber, M. (2007). Nursing and living in rural New Zealand communities: An interpretive descriptive study. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This study used an interpretive descriptive method to gain insight into and explore key issues for rural nurses working and living in the same community. Four Rural Nurse Specialists were recruited as participants. The nurses had lived and nursed in the same rural community for a minimum of 12 months. Participants were interviewed face to face and their transcribed interviews underwent thematic analysis. The meta-theme was: the distinctive nature of rural nursing. The themes identified were: interwoven professional and personal roles; complex role of rural nurses and relationships with the community. A conceptual model was developed to capture the relationship between the meta-theme and the themes. A definition for rural nursing was developed from the findings. This research identified some points of difference in this group of rural nurses from the available rural nursing literature. It also provides a better understanding of the supports Rural Nurse Specialists need to be successful in their roles, particularly around the recruitment and retention of the rural nursing workforce.
Becker, F. (2005). Recruitment & retention: Magnet hospitals. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: International nursing literature indicates nursing shortages are widely recognised; however efforts to remedy poor recruitment and retention of nurses have been largely unsuccessful. This paper presents the predominant factors influencing poor recruitment and retention of nurses, such as: the image of nursing as a career, pay and conditions of employment, educational opportunities, management and decision making, and low morale and then explores how Magnet hospitals address these factors. During the 1980s, several hospitals in the United States were identified as being able to attract nursing staff when others could not, they became known as 'Magnet' hospitals. The American Nurse Credentialing Centre developed the Magnet Recognition programme to accredit hospitals that meet comprehensive criteria to support and develop excellence in nursing services. Magnet hospitals not only attract and retain satisfied nursing staff, but also have improved patient outcomes compared to non-Magnet hospitals, such as decreased patient morbidity and mortality and increased patient satisfaction. The successes of the Magnet Recognition programme in recruitment and retention of nurses is discussed in relation to its transferability outside of the United States, particularly to New Zealand as a way of improving recruitment and retention of nurses here.
Burrow, M., Gilmour, J., & Cook, C. (2017). Healthcare assistants and aged residential care: A challenging policy and contractual environment. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 33(2), http://www.nursingpraxis.org.
Abstract: Examines NZ policy and care demands in aged residential care. Maintains that registered nurses need to understand the socio-political, economic and educational factors that influence care delivery in aged residential care. Presents an overview of the current role of healthcare assistants (HCAs)in aged residential care, based on a review of the existing grey literature, current national policy, DHB contract agreements and NZNO collective agreements.
Clendon, J., Tseng, A., & O'Connor, M.(and others). (2015). Working with young nurses to develop peer-support strategies : evaluation of a participatory project. Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 6(1), 16–23.
Abstract: Evaluates a project undertaken with a group of nurses aged under 30, to identify and implement mechanisms of support for peers in the workplace. Employs a participatory research approach to work with 9 nurses over two years. Conducts two projects : a website with a forum and Facebook page; the Young Nurse of the Year Awards.
Cobham, J. (2005). Why do nurses stay in nursing? A test of social identity, equity sensitivity and expectancy theory. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Crick, S., Page, M., Perry, J., Pillai, N. M., & Burry, R. D. (2019). 'This building looks like a mansion but feels like a prison': personal and professional pratice prespectives on recruiting and retaining internationally-educated nurses. Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services, (26), 18–27.
Abstract: Presents the experience of an internationally-educated nurse (IEN) who immigrated to the UK from India. Shares insights about the social and professional challenges faced by IENs, with perspectives from the nursing literature. Examines the tensions between the needs of recruiting organisations and the needs of IENs working in new countries.
Cullens, V. (2001). Not just a shortage of girls: The shortage of nurses in post World War 2 New Zealand 1945-1955. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This thesis explores the shortage of general hospital nurses in post World War II New Zealand between 1945 and 1955. Historical inquiry is used to identify the causes of the shortage and the response to the shortage by the Health Department, hospital boards and nurse leaders. Christchurch Hospital, administered by the North Canterbury Hospital Board, is used to illustrate the situation at one large, public, general hospital. Primary sources provided the majority of material which informed this thesis. Two themes emerge regarding the causes of the shortage of nurses: those that were readily acknowledged by nurse leaders and other health professionals at the time, and those which were less widely discussed, but which contributed to the nature of nursing work appearing less attractive to potential recruits. In response to the shortage the Health Department, hospital boards and the New Zealand Registered Nurses Association mounted several recruitment campaigns throughout the decade. As the shortage showed no sign of abatement the focus turned from recruitment to retention of nurses. While salaries, conditions and training were improved, nurse leaders also gave attention to establishing what nurses' work was and what it was not. Nurse leaders and others promoted nursing as a profession that could provide young women with a satisfying lifelong career. Due to these efforts, by 1955, this episode in the cycle of demand and supply of nurses had begun to improve.
Ellison, J. (2020). Registered nurse turnover in the acute setting. Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 11(1), 58–60.
Abstract: Performs an integrative review to explore the reasons for nurse turnover in the hospital environment. Evaluates 36 primary studies, selecting 16 for inclusion in the integrated review. Identifies three themes: support, workload, and professional factors.
Entwistle, M. (2004). Women only? An exploration of the place of men within nursing.
Abstract: This dissertation came out of the author's wondering why there are still so few men going into nursing especially when the history of nursing reveals that men have been a part of nursing for a long time. In New Zealand it is only since the mid seventies that men have been able to gain the exact same nursing qualifications as their women colleagues. The author notes that men in nursing are still seen as unusual in that they work in a predominantly female occupation and have had their masculinity questioned by the myth that all men in nursing must be gay. There is also the notion that caring is a difficult task for men and is seen by society as a uniquely feminine ability. Both issues are related to dominant notions of masculinity. In addition to this there is currently a crisis in terms of a nursing shortage and it has been suggested that one way to resolve this crisis is to encourage more men into nursing. Thus this exploration as to why there are so few men in nursing is timely. Men who choose nursing as a career risk challenging the traditional roles of their gender stereotype. A comprehensive search of the literature from different disciplines reveals deeper issues than just the commonly held assumption that nursing is not masculine. Exploring the issues of gender with a particular focus on masculinity has uncovered the concept of hegemonic masculinity. This describes how gender is practiced in a way that legitimises patriarchy, reinforcing the dominant position of men over women as well as over other groups of men. It is these patriarchal attitudes that have seen men marginalised within nursing. On the one hand men in nursing could be seen as challenging the current dominant masculine ideal. However, on the other hand men in nursing may not challenge this hegemonic masculinity; instead often supporting the status quo in an effort to maintain their own masculinity. The author suggests that the implication for nursing, if it is to increase the numbers of men in the profession, is to challenge this notion of hegemonic masculinity. This needs to be done appropriately by critically examining this concept rather than by merely replacing one hegemony with another. He goes on to say that it is now time for nursing education to include a critical exploration of gender issues and how it relates to men as part of undergraduate nursing education for both men and women students.
Foxall, D. (2013). Barriers in education of indigenous nursing students : a literature review. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 29(3), 18–30.
Abstract: Reports the findings of a review of the literature that sought to identify key barriers for indigenous tertiary nursing students in NZ. Reveals the barriers to recruitment and retention of nursing students, and strategies to overcome them. Stresses the need for partnerships between academic institutes and indigenous communities to ensure the provision of a culturally-safe environment for Maori nursing students.
Gray, L. - M. (2006). Should I stay or should I go? An examination into the Plunket Nurses' perception of the employment environment. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Participants for this study consisted of six Plunket Nurses from three Plunket operations areas within the North Island, varying in experiences from two to twenty three years, working with both urban and rural communities.
Guy, M. T. (2020). An exploration of the educational experiences of new nurses who are men within Aotearoa New Zealand. Master's thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North. Retrieved December 23, 2024, from https://hdl.handle.net/10179/15984
Abstract: Aims to inform future curriculum design to support, retain, and attract more men to nursing. Uses a descriptive qualitative design to explore the experiences of male nurses prior, during and after the Bacelor of Nursing degree. Conducts semi-structured interviews with 9 male nurses resulting in two main themes: isolation during training; inaccurate public perception of the of the scope of the modern nurse.
Holloway, K. T. (2000). The future for nursing education: UKCC review has relevance for New Zealand. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 16(2), 17–24.
Abstract: The author reviews the report 'Fitness for Practice' by the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) noting many areas of relevance for New Zealand educators in outlining possible strategies for nursing education. Discussion of some of the recommendations is put in the context of a strategic review of undergraduate nursing education recently commissioned by the Nursing Council of New Zealand. Issues such as recruitment and access to education; retention; clinical assessment and placements; clinical skill acquisition and partnership are valid concerns for educators here also. Internationally, the author suggests, the commonalties in issues of concern lend validity to the concept of the global village and the necessity for a global perspective in health care workforce planning, including educational preparation.
Honeyfield, M. (2008). The necessity of effective nursing leadership for the retention of professional hospital nurses. Master's thesis, , . Retrieved December 23, 2024, from https://www.nzno.org.nz/Portals/0/Files/Documents/Services/Library/2008-05%20HONEYFIELD_MARGY-%20The%20necessity%20of%20effective%20nursing%20leadership.pdf
Abstract: The author notes that it is widely accepted that there is a global shortage of nurses, and there are many studies in the health workforce literature about the negative aspects of nurse work environments, nursing workloads, decreased job satisfaction of nurses and the impact these have on patient health outcomes. In the past five years there has also been international and New Zealand-specific research into the effects of health restructuring on nursing leadership, retention of nurses, and on patient care. Much of this research has shown that countries with very different health care systems have similar problems, not only with retention of qualified nursing staff due to high levels of job dissatisfaction, but also with work design and the provision of good quality patient care in hospitals. This dissertation explores the many detrimental effects on nurses and nursing leadership, of extensive, and continuing, public health restructuring in New Zealand. The context of this dissertation is New Zealand public hospitals, with references pertaining to medical and surgical areas of nursing practice. Health reforms have negatively impacted on patient care delivery systems, patient health outcomes, and retention of educated nurses in the workforce. In order to resolve these issues, coordinated efforts are required in New Zealand district health boards to develop and sustain effective nursing leaders, who will promote and assist in the development of strong, healthy organisational cultures to retain and support professional nurses and the ways in which they wish to practise.
James-Scotter, M. (2021). The value and viability of a daily job satisfaction measure in the operating room setting [The Morale-o-Meter study]. Doctoral thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland. Retrieved December 23, 2024, from https://hdl.handle.net/2292/57918
Abstract: Develops a daily measure of job satisfaction in the operating room (OR) setting in the form of a tool called the Morale-o-Meter. Trials and evaluates the tool between 2018-2019, inviting all OR staff to participate using the tool to measure their job satisfaction once each shift. Follows up the trial with an online feedback survey. Proves that overall job satisfaction is positively related to daily job satisfaction and affective commitment, and negatively related to emotional exhaustion. Suggests the Morale-o-Meter has the potential to increase the voice of OR nurses.