Horsburgh, M., Goodyear-Smith, F., & Yallop, J. (2008). Nursing initiatives in primary care: An approach to risk reduction for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website, 35(3), 176–182.
Abstract: The authors evaluated a nurse-led cardiovascular disease and diabetes (CVD) management project. The Ministry of Health funded the project to implement models of nurse service delivery, with care pathways for risk reduction of CVD and diabetes based on national guidelines, with quality assurance, audit and nurse leadership. The paper presents the components required to implement and sustain a nurse CVD risk assessment and management service, which were identified and clarified through the action research process.
Macfie, B. (2006). Assessing health needs and identifying risk factors. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 12(6), 16–18.
Abstract: In 2004, Plunket nurses from eight areas around New Zealand participated in collecting data for a research project on health needs assessment practices. This project aimed to examine risk factors identified by Plunket nurses, what areas of health need considered to be priorities; grading of health needs; and how closely the results of health need assessment aligned with the individual clients' deprivation score. The researchers examine the assessment of health needs against the use of the Deprivation Index, which indicates a specific population in a specific area, as a funding model. This study appeared to show there are two distinct groups of clients assessed as high needs: those with risk factors such as family violence and severe parental mental illness, and who may live in an area of 1-7 deprivation; and those with multiple risk factors which include poverty, low education, and/or reluctance to access services and support, and who usually live in dep 8-10 areas. This research supports the anecdotal evidence that significant health needs exist outside the lower deprivation areas.
Nicol, M. J., Manoharan, H., Marfell-Jones, M., Meha-Hoerara, K., Milne, R., O'Connell, M., et al. (2002). Issues in adolescent health: A challenge for nursing. Contemporary Nurse, 12(2), 155–163.
Abstract: This review provides an overview of the health issues for adolescents, and the implications for nursing practice, particularly around health promotion. It looks at the social context of adolescents including peer pressure, along with health issues such as suicide, mental health, sexual health, and smoking.
Taylor, R. (2020). Investigating incidence and prevalence of preeclampsia globally and within Aotearoa/New Zealand: An integrative review. (130 p.). Hamilton: Waikato Institute of Technology.
Abstract: Cites the incidence and prevalence of pre-eclampsia globally and in NZ. Identifies environmental, geographical, cultural and socio-economic factors associated with the condition. Conducts an integrative review of research on the topic between 2015 and 2020, in order to exclude pre-2014 diagnostic criteria. Highlights themes for future examination.
Wilkinson, J. A., & Huntington, A. D. (2004). The personal safety of district nurses: A critical analysis. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 20(3), 31–44.
Abstract: A workplace safety study of district nurses in New Zealand was conducted to explore personal safety experiences. A qualitative methodology informed by Critical Social Theory was employed. This paper details the findings and implications derived from data collected from six district nurses in two urban New Zealand health services who recalled incidents in which they felt their personal safety was compromised. Data were collected through individual interviews and a focus group discussion with the participants. Data analysis revealed two-fold risks to nurse safety; these were associated with client behaviour as well as risks embedded in the organisational structure. The findings suggest a number of practical issues involving basic security measures require urgent attention. The complex power relationships that shape the experience of nursing in a community impinged on the ability of the nurses in this study to confidently and safely fulfil their role. An organisational commitment to a culture of safety would help address the powerlessness experienced by district nurses.