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Crawford, R. (2001). Nutrition: Is there a need for nurses working with children and families to offer nutrition advice? Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(13), 10–15.
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Crowe, M. (2006). Psychiatric diagnosis: Some implications for mental health nursing care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(1), 125–131.
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Howorth, G. E. G., & Sculley, D. 'arna. (2020). Socioeconomic factors and the impact on health and social outcomes for mental-health consumers: a literature review. Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services, 27, 9–15.
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Kool, B., Thomas, D., Moore, D., Anderson, A., Bennetts, P., & Earp, K. (2008). Innovation and effectiveness: Changing the scope of school nurses in New Zealand secondary schools. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32(2), 177–180.
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