Dearden, G. (2004). When things go wrong: The experiences of mental health nurses who have had a patient die through suicide. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This thesis discusses the findings of a research study, informed by the work of van Manen (1997b), which explored the lived experiences of five mental health nurses who have had a patient die through suicide. Narrative was used as a method in interviews to uncover the essence of their lived experiences. Five interwoven themes uncovered in each of the interviews were: impact, support, feelings, closure and paradox. All of the nurses interviewed experienced a wide range of feelings about their patient's suicides, ranging from shock to guilt, to anger and sadness, and described their patient's suicide as having a significant impact on them. Support received by the nurses following their patient's suicide was variable, and they were often in the difficult position of trying to offer support to the patient's family. Common to all of the nurses was the lack of closure following the suicide. Paradox was found to be the overall essence of the experience of the mental health nurses interviewed. Three main paradoxical themes or statements were identified that are in many respects a summary of all of the themes that emerged. These were: unavoidable – responsible; inevitable – unprepared; duty of care – respect for patient's decision to end their life. The author suggests that the ability of the nurses interviewed to accept and reconcile the paradoxical issues that arise in relation to patient suicide, and accept the lack of closure they experience, is a fundamental element in their ability to continue to work in the mental health setting, despite the significant impact their patient's suicide has had on them. Four recommendations are made based on the insights gained from this research. These are: that every mental health service should have a suicide response policy; that undergraduate nursing education includes the impact of patient suicide; the development of policies which promote dialogue about suicide within the community; and the need for further research in this topic.
Farrow, T. (2002). Owning their expertise: Why nurses use 'no suicide contracts' rather than their own assessments. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 11(4), 214–219.
Abstract: 'No suicide contracts' are a tool commonly used by nurses in community crisis situations. At times this tool is utilised because the clinician believes that it is beneficial. However, there are other occasions when 'No suicide contracts' are introduced in a manner that runs counter to the clinical judgement of the crisis nurse. This paper discusses the results of a qualitative study that addressed the question of why nurses use 'No suicide contracts' in such situations, rather than relying on their own expertise. This analysis suggests that underlying concerns of clinicians can determentally affect decision-making in such circumstances, and recommends that rather than subjugating nursing expertise, underlying issues be addressed directly.
Farrow, T. (2003). 'No suicide contracts' in community crisis situations: A conceptual analysis. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 10(2), 199–202.
Abstract: 'No suicide contracts' take the form of a 'guarantee of safety', along with a 'promise' to call specified persons if the suicidal ideation becomes unmanageable for the person concerned. They are commonly used in community crisis situations with suicidal people in New Zealand. This article describes and analyses the use of 'no suicide contracts' in these settings. It is argued that the theoretical base (transactional analysis) of the 'no suicide contract' is likely to be deleterious in the community crisis situation.
Fielden, J. (2003). Grief as a transformative experience: Weaving through different lifeworlds after a loved one has completed suicide. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12(1), 74–85.
Abstract: This research is an exploration and interpretation of the lived experiences of family members since they lost a close family member to suicidal death. The findings have implications for nurses and counsellors working in the area of suicide bereavement. Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology was utilised and informed by van Manen's and Benner's work. Data from in-depth interviews with six participants, the researcher's journal entries and published literature were analysed. Findings gave rise to a grief model where suicide survivors moved through four modes of being-in-the-world characterized by 13 lifeworlds or themes. Surviving suicide was a transformative process that in time enabled survivors to discover new ways of understanding and relating to the world.
Nicol, M. J., Manoharan, H., Marfell-Jones, M., Meha-Hoerara, K., Milne, R., O'Connell, M., et al. (2002). Issues in adolescent health: A challenge for nursing. Contemporary Nurse, 12(2), 155–163.
Abstract: This review provides an overview of the health issues for adolescents, and the implications for nursing practice, particularly around health promotion. It looks at the social context of adolescents including peer pressure, along with health issues such as suicide, mental health, sexual health, and smoking.