Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Adams, Sue |
Nurse practitioners in rural primary health care in New Zealand : an institutional ethnography |
2017 |
372 p. |
Adams, Sue; Boyd, Michal; Carryer, Jenny; Bareham, Corinne; Tenbensel, Tim |
A survey of the NP workforce in primary healthcare settings in New Zealand. |
2020 |
New Zealand Medical Journal |
133 |
29-40 |
Asbury, Elizabeth; Orsborn, Georgina |
Teaching sensitive topics in an online environment: an evaluation of cultural safety e-learning |
2020 |
Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services |
27 |
23-31 |
Aspinall, Cathleen |
The impact of intersectionality on the empowerment and development of nurses into leadership roles |
2022 |
149 p. |
Baby, Maria |
Mental health nurses' experiences of patient assaults |
2013 |
1v |
Barnhill, Dianne; McKillop, Ann; Aspinall, Cathleen |
The impact of postgraduate education on registered nurses working in acute care |
2012 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
28 |
27-36 |
Batten, Lesley; Dutton, Jane |
Young tertiary students and help-seeking for health advice |
2011 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
27 |
31-42 |
Beaver, Peter James |
Contemporary patient safety and the challenges for New Zealand |
2015 |
329 p. |
Bigsby, Margaret Anne |
The characteristics of nurses in relation to their attitudes about career planning and development activities |
2016 |
121 p. |
Blair, Wendy |
Nurses' recognition and response to unsafe practice by their peers |
2021 |
336 p. |
Bogossian, F.; Cooper, S.; Kelly, M.; Levett-Jones, T.; McKenna, L.; Slark, J.; Seaton, P. |
Best practice in clinical simulation education -- are we there yet? A cross-sectional survey of simulation in Australian and New Zealand pre-registration nursing education |
2018 |
Collegian |
25 |
327-334 |
Brunton, Margaret; Cook, Catherine; Walker, Leonie; Clendon, Jill |
Where are we?: workplace communication between RNs in culturally-diverse healthcare organisations; Analysis of a 2-phase, mixed-method study: a report prepared for the New Zealand Nursing Education and Research Foundation |
2017 |
82 p. |
Butters, Katheryn Janine |
A qualitative study of the ethical practice of newly-graduated nurses working in mental health |
2008 |
184 p. |
Cameron, Megan |
Evaluation report of a postgraduate specialty programme: is a specialty nursing qualification delivering what it says it does? |
2017 |
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal |
37-45 |
Carter, Lynn J |
Am I doing the right thing?: Plunket Nurses' experience in making decisions to report suspected child abuse and neglect |
2010 |
144 p. |