Hendry, C. (2024). A process to inform rural nursing workforce planning and development. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, . Retrieved December 23, 2024, from http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.36951/001c.115490
Abstract: Describes a four-stage project to identify the current status of the nursing and support-worker workforce to develop a plan to match community health needs: profiles current population and health resources available in the community; profiles the current nursing workfoece; surveys local nurses regarding current work and future plans; seeks perspectives of local nurses, health managers and community representatives on strategies to sustain a future nursing workforce. Focuses primarily on the first two stages of the project.
Holloway, K. (2012). The New Zealand nurse specialist framework: Clarifying the contribution of the nurse specialist. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 13(3), 147–153.
Abstract: Presents an overview of the NZ Nurse Specialist Framework (NZNSF), developed through a consensus approach as part of a doctoral study, and which provides an over-arching structure to support coherence, clarity and consistency for nurse specialists. Maintains that the framework supports workforce policy makers in planning effective utlisation of the nurse specialist in health care delivery.
Holloway, K., Baker, J., & Lumby, J. (2009). Specialist nursing famework for New Zealand: A missing link in workforce planning. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 10(4), 269–275.
Abstract: Explores the NZ context underpinning adequate specialist nurse workforce supply, contending that effective workforce planning would be supported by the
development of a single unified framework for specialist nursing practice in NZ, with the potential to support accurate data collection and to enable service providers to identify and plan transparent and transferable pathways for specialist nursing service provision and development. Argues that advanced practice nursing frameworks assist in increasing productivity through building an evidence base about advanced practice, enhancing consistency and equity of expertise, supporting a reduction in role duplication, and enabling succession planning and sustainability.
Holloway, K. T. (2011). Development of a specialist nursing framework for New Zealand. Doctoral thesis, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Retrieved December 23, 2024, from http://hdl.handle.net/10453/20322
Abstract: Expresses concern that inconsistent specialist nursing workforce planning and pathways for nursing practice development will adversely affect needed service provision for the population. Reports the outcomes of research, which suggests an alternate approach through the development of a single unified capability framework for specialist nursing practice in NZ. Uses a qualitative descriptive and exploratory multi-method enquiry approach to review extant understandings and develop a consensus framework, identifying the essential elements required for a single national framework for specialist nursing in NZ. Widens the understanding of a more holistic approach to specialist nursing development, which holds great promise for the specialist nursing workforce in NZ and internationally.
Jamieson, I. (2012). What are the views of Generation Y New Zealand Registered Nurses towards nursing, work and career?: A descriptive exploratory study. Ph.D. thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.
Abstract: The author has taken a broad approach to this research to explore the views of Generation Y New Zealand Registered Nurses towards the nursing profession, the work itself and their career plans. This study arose out of the author?s interest in health care workforce planning for nursing and in particular the retention of young nurses given the current national and global shortage of nurses. Because of the broad and descriptive nature of the research, a wide variety of topics are included in the literature reviewed.
Chapter one provides background to the study and an overview of generational cohorts.
Chapter two explores selected literature relevant to the concept of work and the characteristics of the Generation Y workforce.
Other topics included in this chapter include Herzberg?s work motivation hygiene/maintenance theory and a selection of literature about key workforce recruitment and retention issues.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences
Philips, H., & Wilkinson, J. (2015). Non-prescribing diabetes nurse specialist views of nurse prescribing in diabetes health. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 31(1), 5–15.
Abstract: Presents the results of a survey of non-prescribing diabetes nurse specialists' views of prescribing in the wake of a trial and staged implementation of diabetes nurse specialist prescribing. Conducts on online survey of members of the diabetes nurse specialist section of NZNO. Analyses the results descriptively, finding a statistically significant relationship between being a specialist and the intention to prescribe. Avers that for diabetes nurse specialist prescribing to continue, the resources for supervision must be taken into account in workforce planning.
Price, R., Gilmour, J., Kellett, S., & Huntington, A. (2016). Settling in: Early career Registered Nurses. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 32(3). Retrieved December 23, 2024, from http://www.nursingpraxis.org
Abstract: Describes the uptake of postgraduate education, the intent to travel and employment characteristics of NZ registered nurses in their fourth year of practice following registration. Aims to support retention strategies and expand extended career pathways by acknowledging the preferences and pathways selected by early career registered nurses. Analyses responses from 138 registered nurses using data from the longitudinal Graduate e-cohort Study for nurses graduating in the years 2008-2011. Reports summary statistics in percentages/counts along with tests of proportions using the Pearson's chi square test.