Allan, J. (2007). What is it like for older women to live with depression? Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The author's interest in this study came from working as a mental health nurse with mainly older women with depression and developed from her concern that depression for older people is frequently misdiagnosed, not recognised or is under-treated. To date, research has rarely paid attention to the voices of people who have actually experienced depression and even less is known from the perspective of older women. This hermeneutic phenomenological study, informed by Martin Heidegger and Max van Manen, describes what it is like for four older women to live with depression. Multiple interviews were conducted with the participants. Heidegger's philosophical concepts of Being-in-the-world and Being-with-others structured the analysis. Depression was found to have a significant effect on the participants' Being-in-the-world. The themes that emerged were: something is wrong; the search for reasons; self-loathing; being overwhelmed by the feelings; hiding from the world; loss of self; loss of meaning; the struggle of everyday life; and living circumspectly. Being-with-others was difficult for the participants and the themes that emerged were: maintaining relationships when well; Being-alone; misinterpreting self and other people; the stigma of mental illness – society and self; and seeking understanding from other people. The author suggests that the findings have implications for nurses and other health professionals.
Bland, M. F. (2004). All the comforts of home? A critical ethnography of residential aged care in New Zealand. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Bland, M. F. (2005). The challenge of feeling 'at home' in residential aged care in New Zealand. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 21(3), 4–12.
Abstract: In this research report, a resident reveals the challenges associated with firstly becoming a nursing home resident, and then trying to establish a new sense of 'home'. The story supports a conclusion that nurses' knowledge of the unique 'admission story' of each resident, and their individual understandings of home, is essential in promoting their ongoing comfort. Although approximately 30,000 older adults live in residential aged care, little research has been done on their experience.
Brown, J. A. (2004). “Let my spirit always sing”: A descriptive study of how four elderly rest home residents view spirituality and spiritual care at the end of life. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: This descriptive, qualitative study, believed to be the first of its kind conducted in a New Zealand setting, focuses on spirituality issues of a spiritually vulnerable group of people, older people in residential care. Four rest home residents were recruited, to talk about their spirituality, spiritual needs and how their spirits were nurtured, the role of care staff in providing spiritual care, and their satisfaction with the spiritual care they were being offered. They were also asked to predict their spiritual needs as they were dying, their wishes for spiritual care in the perideath period, whether they had communicated these wishes to anyone, their views on advance planning to ensure these wishes would be met, and their comfort with the research process. The research data was collected from semi-structured, audiotaped interviews that were later transcribed. The spirituality of all participants had a strongly Christian focus that was revealed in the ten themes to emerge from a modified application of Colaizzi's analysis technique. The first themes to emerge were God as the focus of spirituality, God in control, the importance of relationship, and the purpose in life: serving God. Changes in spirituality with age, spirituality and residential care, and spiritual care: whose responsibility? were also identified as themes, as were end of life spirituality, planning for spiritual care, and the participants' satisfaction with the research process. All were able to articulate their spirituality, were generally satisfied with the spiritual care they were receiving, and had views on the spiritual care they wished to receive in the perideath period. Moreover, the participants trusted their families and the care staff to ensure that these wishes would be honoured. Recommendations are made for improving the spiritual dimension of care, and for further research.
Challis-Morrison, S. (2006). Caring for a community wanderer. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 12(11), 20–22.
Abstract: A community based registered nurse from Waikato District Health Board's Older Persons Assessment Team (OPAT) presents her experiences of working with older people with dementia. She uses a case study approach to highlight the issue of wandering, behaviour which can be difficult to modify and can cause carer distress. She outlines a team approach to the condition which requires good communication and co-ordination. Key aspects of management included a risk assessment plan, support for caregivers, and encouraging activity.
Clark, P. N. (2006). The potential for nurse-led clinics on oncology at Southland District Health Board. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The author points to a “waiting list crisis” occurring in ambulatory oncology services at Southland District Health Board (SDHB), and notes that the literature suggests this is occurring both nationally and globally. This is due to factors such as an increase in the number of people aged 65 years and over, many of whom will develop cancer. Furthermore new drug therapies and indications for treatment have led to increased numbers of patients referred for oncological assessment in the out-patient clinics. The author notes that, at SDHB, this delay for patients to be seen at a first specialist assessment appointment is causing concern for patients, managers and the medical and nursing staff involved. This dissertation analyses relevant literature in order to explore the nature and outcomes of nurse-led clinics. A range of studies indicate that effective care can be provided by nurses working in a variety of nurse-led clinics settings. These studies reveal ways in which a nurse-led clinic might be established and delivered in oncology services and, the author suggests, this will go some way to provide a solution for SDHB. These clinics would assess and monitor the follow-up of selected patients with stable disease and established care plans such as patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for bowel and breast cancer. This would allow medical oncologists to see more new patients at first assessment and the follow-up of complex cases, and could go some way in relieving the current waiting lists. The educational preparation and competency of nurses leading such a clinic are considered.
Davy, R. (2002). Strategy to increase smear testing of older women. Practice nurse: Official Journal of the New Zealand College of Practice Nurses, 2(3), 13–14.
Abstract: The author presents a project to increase enrolments of women aged 60-69 years in the cervical screening programme. The programme included provision of packages comprising fliers, counter signs, stickers, postcards and pens to 1387 women's groups or locations where women gather. The author collates and analyses calls to the advertised 0800 telephone number, smear tests at the Well Women's Nursing Trust, and enrolment rates on the Cervical Screening Register from June to August 2001.
Dulieu, F. (2005). Collaborative practice: A study in bridging the gap to transform the delivery of specialist palliative nursing care in residential aged care facilities.
Abstract: This paper documents a practice development initiative with the aim of formulating a rationale for the professional practice development of a relatively recently conceived nursing initiative; that of a Palliative Care Liaison Nurse (PCLN) role. The project involved conducting an inquiry through a search of the literature with the aim of discovering ways to articulate, then develop, the role to meet the needs of elderly people living in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs), their family and the whanau. The paper initially explores the concept of liaison roles globally, to consider how this role might be located as an interagency position between palliative care and aged care within the context of Aotearoa/New Zealand. The paper then reveals the perceived skills and personal attributes required by a person in the PCLN role that the author, drawing from personal and professional experience of having been appointed to this position, considers are necessary to effectively manage the diverse dimensions of this role. Bridging the gap is a key role discussed which centres on the capacity to organise and present an effective education programme while supporting, encouraging and role modeling for staff providing the day to day nursing care. This role involves practice wisdom and advocating for change and tolerance within everyday practice. An example of this dimension is discussed in depth, because the researcher considers that through staff working together, they can effectively bridge the knowledge-practice gap which exists between specialist palliative and gerontological nursing care.
Fail, A. (1999). Ageing in the 21st century. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 5(9), 24–31.
Abstract: The author looks at demographic and statistical information to extrapolate on trends that will affect the aged through into to the next century. She reviews policy approaches to the issues of a growing aged population combined with social and economic changes that could make this group vulnerable. Effective planning for the provision of quality care is placed in the context of social changes, advances in gerontology, and social theories of ageing.
Foster, S. (2001). The relationship of physical activity to health in elder adulthood. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(12), 24–27.
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of physical activity in the health of older people, in the context of holistic perspectives of elder adulthood and theories of ageing and recent research. The wide ranging role of the gerontologic nurse specialist is explored.
Gilmour, J. A. (2001). On the margins: Nurses and the intermittent care of people with dementia: A discourse analysis. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Hale, R. (2008). Older patient perceptions of transitional care. In Jean Ross (Ed.), Rural nursing: Aspects of practice (pp. 147-152). [Dunedin]: Rural Health Opportunities.
Abstract: The author describes transitional care as undertaken within the Waikato District Health Board health care environment. Transitional care supports people moving between acute health care (inpatient) and primary health care (home). It is a rehabilitative model based in smaller, predominantly rural communities to enable the older person to actively work towards recovery of functional ability within their own environment. Research indicates this rehabilitation model is applicable to the rural situation and satisfaction levels of the patients and caregivers tends to be positive.
Hendry, C., & East, S. (2013). Impact of the Christchurch earthquakes on clients receiving health care in their homes. Available through NZNO library, 4(1), 4–10.
Abstract: Eighteen months after the first of many large earthquakes, Christchurch-based home health care provider Nurse Maude surveyed staff to identify the impact on the well-being of their mainly elderly clients. Responses from 168 staff identified five key issues. These were: mental health, anxiety, and depression, symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); unsafe environments; loneliness and isolation; difficulty coping with change; and poor access to services. To meet the needs of clients in this challenging environment, staff felt they needed more time to care, including listening to stories, calming clients and dealing with clients who had become slower and more cautious. Damaged and blocked roads, and the fact that many clients moved house without warning, added to the time it took to deliver care in the home. This survey has helped Nurse Maude build on its initial post-earthquake responses to better meet the needs of clients and support health-care workers in this stressful environment.
King, A., & Parsons, M. (2005). An evaluation of two respite models for older people and their informal caregivers. Access is free to articles older than 6 months, and abstracts., 118(1214).
Abstract: The researchers evaluate two case-management models of respite relief care at Waitemata District Health Board. The evaluation consisted of semi-structured interviews and postal surveys for clients utilising respite care and staff members involved in both the North/West and Rodney models of respite care in Auckland. Across the two regions, a total of 2 older people and their informal caregivers, 2 respite coordinators, and the Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) Manager were interviewed. In addition, postal surveys were received from 21 older people, 36 informal caregivers, 11 NASC workers, and 3 allied health professionals. Findings revealed there was generally high satisfaction with both the respite models. Caregivers believed the respite service did give them a break, although it was insufficient. Caregivers reported concerns regarding how respite facilities could improve and the older person's deterioration post respite. Staff identified improvements for each of the models.
Kupa, S. (2006). Psychogeriatric nursing: A review of the literature.
Abstract: This paper is a literature review of the psychogeriatric specialty and describes the clinical role, practice and knowledge of the psychogeriatric nurse. Literature reviews provide a useful means for evaluating what is currently known and understood in a particular area of interest to help nurses' build current opinion into practice. Psychogeriatric nursing is a specialised field of practice that focuses on the mental health needs of people over the age of 65 (including younger people who have acquired needs that are similar in 'like' and age and 'interest'). The literature asserts the urgent need to develop the role and practice of the psychogeriatric nurse in order to address the complex needs of our ageing population in areas such as home care, hospitals, primary health, and long term care institutions. The findings highlight aspects of nursing care that are essential to the role and practice of the psychogeriatric nurse. Knowledge that is necessary for best practice in psychogeriatric nursing care is drawn mainly from the field of general psychiatry and gerontology but also from general medicine, psychology, neurology, and disability. Nurses' working with older adults affected by psychogeriatric conditions must possess a broad knowledge of physical and mental health issues that affect the elderly, including also knowledge and understanding of psychosocial risk factors that can also have an impact on the health and behaviour of older people and their carers. Despite these literal assertions however there appears to be a dearth of literature available to support the requirements for developing the psychogeriatric nursing specialty in clinical practice, research, and education. The author notes that authorities in this specialised field of practice generally agree that with an increasing aging population looming in the future more research in the field of “old age psychiatry” will be critical.