Blunden, J., & Poulsen, M. (2021). Answering the call: Academic nurse educators returning to practice on the eve of COVID-19. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 37(3). Retrieved December 22, 2024, from www.nursingpraxis.org
Abstract: Highlights the value of academic staff having clinical currency that allows them to meet moral and professional responsibilities to return to work during a pandemic. Makes clear that a collaborative relationship between education and healthcare providers allows access to frontline-prepared, highly-skilled registered nurses to be called upon in a time of need. Argues that academic and clinical roles should not be mutually exclusive.
Westrate, J., Cummings, C., Boamponsem, L., & Towers, A. (2019). What factors influence compliance with health and disability service standards for aged residential care in New Zealand? Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 10(1), 47–53.
Abstract: Compares compliance with health and disability services standards (HDSS) in aged residential care (ARC) in 2016 with previous years, and relates the findings to the increase in complaints among the public. Quantifies the degree to which 185 ARC facilities complied with HDSS, and reports their level of compliance.