Bradshaw, W. (2007). Helping clients move towards health change. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 13(7), 16–18.
Abstract: The author reflects on his use of the American psychotherapist James Prochaska's stages of change theory. This model deals with individuals and how they move towards change, through stages of pre-contemplation to maintenance of changed behaviours. He presents examples of his use of the model with clients, when dealing with issues of smoking cessation and weight loss. He analyses his practice and interactions with clients, and affirms that stages of change model can be a useful tool to bring about change within clients. He suggests it gives clients the opportunity to contemplate change and gives nurses working in health promotion the opportunity to be part of the change process.
Davy, R. (2002). Strategy to increase smear testing of older women. Practice nurse: Official Journal of the New Zealand College of Practice Nurses, 2(3), 13–14.
Abstract: The author presents a project to increase enrolments of women aged 60-69 years in the cervical screening programme. The programme included provision of packages comprising fliers, counter signs, stickers, postcards and pens to 1387 women's groups or locations where women gather. The author collates and analyses calls to the advertised 0800 telephone number, smear tests at the Well Women's Nursing Trust, and enrolment rates on the Cervical Screening Register from June to August 2001.
Hetaraka, B. (2006). A study of nurses working in a community development model. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Lapana, S. (2007). Pa hi atu health model: A Tokelau perspective. Whitireia Nursing Journal, 14, 35–39.
Abstract: In this article, the author describes a health model aimed at providing health practitioners with a better understanding of Tokelau health concepts and values.
Litchfield, M. (2004). Achieving health in a rural community: A case study of nurse – community partnership. Wellington: Litchfield Healthcare Associates.
Abstract: This study describes rural, nurse-led health services provided by the Takapau Health Centre (Central Hawkes Bay) and its outreach, Norsewood & District Health Centre. The study looks at its model of service delivery through to 2002. It examines the establishment, development, funding and management of the service, along with the nursing practice and the healthcare people received. The book is a snapshot of nursing initiative and survival through a decade of change in health policy and service funding and delivery. The information was subsequently used to move the health centre service into the new paradigm of primary health care launched in the New Zealand Health Strategy.
Neville, S., Adams, J., & Holdershaw, J. (2014). Social marketing campaigns that promote condom use among MSM : a literature review. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 30(1), 5–16.
Abstract: Presents a review of the literature on research-based social marketing initiatives designed to decrease sexually-transmitted infections, including HIV, through condom use by men who have sex with men.
Nicol, M. J., Manoharan, H., Marfell-Jones, M., Meha-Hoerara, K., Milne, R., O'Connell, M., et al. (2002). Issues in adolescent health: A challenge for nursing. Contemporary Nurse, 12(2), 155–163.
Abstract: This review provides an overview of the health issues for adolescents, and the implications for nursing practice, particularly around health promotion. It looks at the social context of adolescents including peer pressure, along with health issues such as suicide, mental health, sexual health, and smoking.
Pearson, J. R. (2002). Health promotion in one New Zealand primary school: A case study. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to explore the concept of the 'health-promoting school' in a specific New Zealand context; to develop and use appropriate research methods to assess a single low decile school in relation to World Health Organization health-promoting school components and checkpoints; to work with the school community to identify health issues; and, to record external and internal changes that could impact on school health over a finite time period. Case study was selected as the most appropriate method to collect both quantitative and qualitative evidence with the aim of providing a clear understanding of the particular case. Results confirmed that the school was working appropriately within the scope of their educational practice to provide a health-promoting school environment for the school community. Gaps and issues identified included an element of talking past each other between the cultures of the education organisation and the nominated health service provider respectively that contributed to a lack of appropriate and accessible health service delivery for the school population. Teaching staff considered that they had insufficient access to health knowledge, and input from health service staff did not meet health education requirements for the school. Staff preference for increased school nurse involvement was not realised. The consequence was that two outside agencies (KiwiCan and Life Education Trust) delivered the bulk of the Health and Physical Education curriculum which resulted in a degree of fragmentation of health education for students. The issues that were identified demonstrated that health services in the area were not satisfactorily meeting the needs of the community and were not addressing the health inequities for the predominantly Pacific Island and Maori students and of their families that formed the school community. The researcher concluded that a full-service school approach should be considered by the school and the local district health board as one way to overcome the current lack of access to health services for the school community. Assertions included the potential integration of locally available services by a school-based nurse coordinator supported by health professionals (nurse practitioner and Pacific Island Community Health Worker) and social workers. The vision included professionals working within their professional scopes of practice as part of a Primary Health Organisation with the aim of appropriately addressing the health inequities experienced by the school population.
Pearson, J. R. (2003). A discussion of the principles of health promotion and their application to nursing. Whitireia Nursing Journal, 10, 23–34.
Robertson, H. R., & Neville, S. (2008). Health promotion impact evaluation : 'healthy messages calendar (Te maramataka korero hauora)'. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 24(1 (Mar)), p.24–35.
Abstract: Evaluates the project to determine if it was an effective health promotion tool for the dissemination of health information. Obtains qualitative data from 5 focus groups and analyses data using a general inductive approach. Concludes that there are positive links between health promotion practices and the health needs of a local community.
Scott, S. (2011). A tripartite learning partnership in health promotion. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 27(2), 16–23.
Abstract: Describes a partnership between a NZ nursing programme and a community trust whereby nursing students enrolled with youth at a local high school that promoted health. Argues that the strategy contributes to the students' acquisition of the collaborative skills required to develop nursing partnerships within communities.
Sue, K., Lee, T. W., & Kim, G. S. and others. (2021). Nurses in advanced roles as a strategy for equitable access to healthcare in the WHO Western Pacific region: a mixed methods study. Human Resources for Health, 19(1). Retrieved December 22, 2024, from http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-021-00555-6
Abstract: Investigates current responsibilities of nurses in advanced roles (NAR) in the Western Pacific. Uses a Delphi survey to identify key barriers and challenges for enhancing role development within the country and the region. Conducts semi-structured individual interviews with 55 national experts from clinical, academic and/or governmental backgrounds in 18 countries, to identify strategies for establishing nurses in advanced roles to improve equitable access to healthcare in the region.
Walker, L. (2019). Do New Zealand's nursing students know how to access health-promotion services and look after their own health? Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 35(1). Retrieved December 22, 2024, from http://www.nursingpraxis.org
Abstract: Examines nursing students' knowledge about services, their access to facilities and their confidence in referring sources of health promotion to other students. Offers a web-based survey to nursing students at 23 nursing schools providing undergraduate nursing education in NZ. Conducts descriptive statistical analysis and compares groups based on age, year of study and ethnicity, using 2-sample t-tests. Describes the responses regarding service availability, health-promoting aspects of each campus, and confidence in provision of health advice.
Watson, S. L. (2007). Attitudinal shifting: A grounded theory of health promotion in coronary care. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Current New Zealand health policy encourages collaborative health promotion in all sectors of health service delivery. The integrated approach to the acute management of coronary heart disease in a coronary care unit, combining medical therapy and lifestyle change, supports clinical health promotion. The aim of this study was to use the grounded theory approach to discover the main concerns of nurses' promoting health in an acute coronary care setting and to explain the processes that nurses used to integrate health promotional activities into their practice. Seventeen registered nurses from three coronary care units within a large metropolitan city in New Zealand were interviewed. Data were constantly compared and analysed using Glaser's emergent approach to grounded theory.The main concern for nurses promoting health within coronary care was ritualistic practice. In this study, ritualistic practice concerns the medically-based protocols, routines, language and technology that drives nursing practice in coronary care. This concern was resolved via the socio-cultural process of attitudinal shifting that occurs over time involving three stages. The three conceptual categories, environmental pressures, practice reality and responsive action are the main components of the theory of attitudinal shifting. In environmental pressures, nurses experience a tension between specialist medically-dominated nursing practice and the generalist nursing role of promoting health. In practice reality, nurses become aware that the individual needs of patients are not being met. This causes role conflict until the nurse observes colleagues who role model possibilities for practice, working with patients to promote health. Responsive action sees the nurse engaging in self-development, also focusing on the nurse-patient relationship, thereby enabling active patient involvement in individual health-promoting decisions. The author suggests that the findings from this research have implications for nursing practice and education. With the increasing specialisation in nursing practice, these findings may be of interest to nurses working in delegated medical roles where the reality of everyday practice precludes nurses from undertaking their essential nursing role. Health care facilities also need to ensure that there are opportunities for the personal and professional development of nursing staff. The place of health promotion within nursing undergraduate curricula needs to be examined, as many nurses found that they were ill prepared for undertaking health promotional activities.