Bee, S. (1999). Post traumatic stress disorder: The role of critical incident stress management. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 5(8), 20–23.
Abstract: The author defines and describes PTSD, and looks at how it may apply to nurses. Primarily affected by delayed PTSD, nurses may experience it as burn-out, after exposure to trauma over time. The Critical Incident Stress Management programme instigated at Healthcare Hawkes Bay is outlined.
Davenport, A. C. (2020). Exploring nurses' documentation of their contribution to Traumatic Brain Injury rehabilitation in an Aotearoa-New Zealand Rehabilitation Unit. Doctoral thesis, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from http://hdl.handle.net/10292/13552
Abstract: Utilises a critical realist case study framework to explore how rehabilitation nurses documented their contribution for clients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), and the influences on that documentation. Administers a questionnaire, undertakes an audit and interviews the nurses about their contribution. Makes six recommendations in relation to organisational level decision-making and the practice of individual nurses.
Flint, V. (2005). The place of ECT in mental health care.11(9), 18–20.
Abstract: The author reviews the controversial treatment of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) which has re-emerged as a safe and effective treatment for major depressive disorders. She first addresses the popular conceptions of ECT, which are based on early misuse of the treatment when it was delivered unmodified, or forcefully and without anaesthetic. She then uses a case study to illustrate the benefits of ECT for catatonia and catatonic states. Diagnostic criteria for catatonia include motoric immobility, excessive motor activity, extreme negativism or mutism, peculiarities of voluntary movement, and echolalia or echopraxia. The treatment of a patient is detailed, and the role of the ECT nurse is outlined. The ECT nurse is a co-ordinator, an educator, liaises with other services and families, and is a point of contact about ECT within the mental health service generally and in the ECT unit in particular. The case study showed successful use of ECT. A series of eight ECT treatments were administered to the catatonic patient, after which he was discharged home with minor depression and showing signs of enjoying life once again.
Hart, M. (2018). Reducing poverty by addressing equity with a focus on prenatal alcohol exposure and inter-generational trauma: Identify, address and remove systemic barriers. Margaret May Blackwell Travel Study Fellowship Reports. Wellington: New Zealand Nursing Education and Research Foundation.
Abstract: Travels to Australia and Canada to examine public health efforts in those countries to inform pregnant women about the risks of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), particularly among indigenous populations. Studies regional initiatives around NZ to inform the establishment of a preventive and assessment programme in the Bay of Plenty DHB.
Hendry, C., & East, S. (2013). Impact of the Christchurch earthquakes on clients receiving health care in their homes. Available through NZNO library, 4(1), 4–10.
Abstract: Eighteen months after the first of many large earthquakes, Christchurch-based home health care provider Nurse Maude surveyed staff to identify the impact on the well-being of their mainly elderly clients. Responses from 168 staff identified five key issues. These were: mental health, anxiety, and depression, symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); unsafe environments; loneliness and isolation; difficulty coping with change; and poor access to services. To meet the needs of clients in this challenging environment, staff felt they needed more time to care, including listening to stories, calming clients and dealing with clients who had become slower and more cautious. Damaged and blocked roads, and the fact that many clients moved house without warning, added to the time it took to deliver care in the home. This survey has helped Nurse Maude build on its initial post-earthquake responses to better meet the needs of clients and support health-care workers in this stressful environment.
Malone, T., & Bingham, H. (2024). Trauma-informed care: can education help develop a more trauma-informed workforce? Kaitiaki Nursing Research, 15(1), 11–20.
Abstract: Measures the effectiveness of an eight-week trauma-informed care credentialled course on the attitudes of health-care professionals towards trauma-informed practice. Undertakes a pre- and post-teaching study using purposive sampling. Suggests that trauma-informed care benefits those who have experienced trauma and enhances self-efficacy for those delivering it.
McGregor, J. (2021). Historical Trauma Theory: The implications for nursing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Master's thesis, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from http://hdl.handle.net/10292/13937
Abstract: Presents the findings of an integrative literature review exploring the possibility of applying Historical Trauma Theory to nursing practice. Uses Kaupapa Maori research methodology to apply Historical Trauma Theory to health care practice, in a Maori context. Considers how trauma theory can be used to support Wilson and Barton's Te Kapunga Putohe nursing model.
Powell, J. (2002). Caring for patients after an ICU admission. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 8(7), 24–25.
Abstract: The author presents research on nursing strategies that reduce the psychological effects of critical illness and prevent the intensive care unit (ICU) atmosphere from adversely affecting the nurse-patient relationship. Post-traumatic stress disorder and other phobic anxiety syndromes are noted as a risk among former ICU patients. Four interventions to put in place for discharge are presented: patient-centred nursing, communication, multidisciplinary care, and patient/family education.
Puckey, T. C. (2001). Vicarious traumatization: Relevance and implications for psychiatric mental health nursing.
Abstract: This research project is concerned with the risk of vicarious traumatisation for psychiatric mental health nurses. Vicarious traumatisation is an occupational hazard that is largely unrecognised and unaddressed in the profession. The paper explores the nature of vicarious traumatisation, and its contemporary conceptualisation in the literature on helping-induced trauma. Findings from the literature search and understanding of the construct of vicarious traumatisation are considered against the essence of psychiatric mental health nursing, the therapeutic relationship and use of self, and the nature of daily practice. After consideration of the potential risk of vicarious traumatisation for the profession it is argued that it is a real risk and is likely to impact on all areas of psychiatric mental health nursing practice. Support for the position that vicarious traumatisation is not well recognised and understood is offered. The paper concludes with recommendations that psychiatric mental health nurses and the profession take serious note of vicarious traumatisation as a risk, and there is an ethical imperative for psychiatric mental health nurses to take measures to inform themselves of and engage in processes of risk management for nurses and clients.
Vernon, R. A. (2001). Clinical case study: Acute traumatic head injury. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(12), 3–9.
Abstract: This clinical case study takes an integrated approach to investigation and critical analysis of the complex physiological and pathophysiological treatment modalities instigated when a patient presents following acute traumatic head injury. A broad overview of the developmental physiology of the brain and an explanation of the mechanism of traumatic brain injury as it relates to alterations in cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure and cerebral metabolism is presented. The author describes in narrative form the clinical presentation of a patient, her symptoms and initial treatment rationale. It concludes with analysis of the patients initial treatment priorities and symptom management during the first 48 hours of her care.